Page 20 of Oh, Flutz!


Chapter Seven


Igasp, only nothingcomes out—not entirely surprising, because I’ve just been dropped onto my stomach from ten feet in the air onto all-too-thin mats. My ribcage feels uncannily like a pancake.

“Oh, shoot—are you okay?”

It’s not nearly as bad as it could be (and probably nothing compared to the equivalent on the ice), but I’m so shocked from getting my lungs whacked like a piñata that I don’t answer right away.

“Katya?” Lian asks, starting to come over, but I put a hand up, struggling to my knees.

“I’m fine,” I say, then turn to look up at the boy who’s maddeningly taller than I am, even leaning over with his hand stretched out. The anger flares up, and I smack it aside, getting up on my own and ignoring the pain gripping my solar plexus.

“What the hell?”

“I could ask you the same,” I hiss.

Bryan furrows his brow. “My hand slipped. I’m sorry, alright? It was an accident.”

“I don’t care,” I say, slowly and clearly to make sure he understands me perfectly. “Don’t do it again.”

“It’s not like I did it on purpose.” He seems almost offended. Then he crosses his arms across his t-shirt-clad chest. “Although I understand why you’d think that.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“That it’s not that hard to want to drop you, is all. I’m glad you’re self-aware.”

I let out a sound that sounds uncannily like Old Masha, the stray cat that’s lived in Dedushka’s backyard since before we can remember, and I’m glad to see Bryan’s eyes go wide as he rears back.

Lian blares a bullhorn she’s summoned out of nowhere, and I nearly jump out of my skin, a little embarrassed when I realize she’s just played a sound effect on her phone. “Do I need to go over there?” she threatens.

“Did you see that? She justhissedat me!”

“Mudak,” I mutter.

“What, no more hissing? Are you one of those cat girls or something?”

“Hey!” Lian yells out, her voice piercing through the air like a knife, and just as deadly. “Focus. Do it again.”

Bryan shoots me a death glare as we both face each other, and I smile sweetly, firing him a middle finger now that my back is to the woman who’s likely regretting her idea more with every passing minute.

I’m alright with that. Seeing how incompatible we are with each other might actually convince her that trying to force me into a partnership isn’t such a good idea, and then I’ll finally be left alone.

“I hope you eat shit,” I whisper.

“Why don’t we find you a nice litter box first?”

“On three,” Lian calls.

“Screw you,” I murmur before turning my back to him, and I hear him laugh softly.

“Yeah, okay. Hold on tight.”

And before Lian’s even started the count, before I realize what he’s doing, he dives under me, launching me into the air, and I let out an inhuman shriek; nearly tipping forwards over his head, and I’m barely able to grab onto him in time to save myself. Even after that, I almost fall back down and it’s a fight to get myself back up, digging my knee into his shoulder.

“What thefuck?” I scream down at him, once my grip is secure enough, and Lian looks like she’s about to hit him.