“I think the line between employer and employee is pretty much nonexistent now. You can call me Carter.”
“Carter, this isn’t a good idea,” I say as he cuts the engine.
“Probably not,” he agrees as he gets out of the car and comes to open my door. “But it’s still happening.”
Carter Lawson
River has been through a traumatic experience. I mean, she could have died today but she has been eerily calm since she stopped crying. She shows little bouts of backbone but then recedes into herself just as quickly. On the other hand, I barely have any control now. My tiger is pushing to be released, begging me to let him hunt down the coward who laid his hands on her.
I don’t understand the possessiveness I feel toward her.Yes, I want to fuck her, but I’ve been with many women and I’ve never felt this way.
It could have something to do with the fact that I know she is my mystery ligress. Knowing I am the reason she is hurt has me seeing red. I never meant for any of this to happen. Nonetheless, this is the situation we find ourselves in.
“Carter,” she says softly, and I stop to face her.
She looks so lost and scared that I can’t help but wrap my arms around her. I want to comfort her and make her feel safe. The only way I know how to do that is to take control of the situation.
“River,” I say into the crown of her head. “Let me help you. It’s the least I can do.”
Confusion covers her face at my words, and I know I will have to tell her the truth at some point, but for now, I just want to get her somewhere safe.
I turn and lead her toward the gleaming white speedboat and help her aboard. Neither of us speaks as the pilot starts the engine and points us in the right direction. The bright sunlight washes over us, River’s hair whipping behind her in the wind. A smile crosses her face and I have to hold myself back. I want nothing more than to kiss the ever-loving shit out of her.
I saw it on Monday when she walked into my office. She is a stunning woman, all curves and natural beauty. Even with the bruises and cuts around her neck, she is still stunning. But I can’t touch her, I won’t, not until I tell her the truth. About the dating app and who I am, and about my part in her assault today. She deserves that much.
Sitting back, I watch her instead. Her face tilted to the sky, basking in the early morning sunshine with her eyes closed. I lose all sense of time as I stare at her and before I know it, we are docking and disembarking the speedboat.
Taking her bag and her hand, I lead her up the pathtoward my favorite place in the world. I hear her gasp behind me as we walk up to the house I had built many years ago. It’s nothing elaborate, certainly not somewhere you would expect a man of my wealth to live, but I love it and I hope she does too. I’m not sure why but I want her to be happy here.
“Let me show you to your room,” I say as we walk through the glass sliding doors that face the beach.
Gabby, my housekeeper, has already left but I know the fridge and pantry are stocked and we won’t need anything for at least two weeks.
“Wow.” River turns to take in the view. “This is beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it.” I smile as I lead her deeper into the house.
There are only three bedrooms and I lead her to the one beside mine. I’m still working out how to tell her everything I know, but I am certain I want her as close to me as possible. When I tell her the truth, she may never want anything to do with me again so I should enjoy the time I have.
My tiger roars in my mind at the thought of losing her and an involuntary shudder rips through me as the realization slams into my skull. River isn’t just some woman I want to fuck. There is a reason my tiger reacts to her the way he does. She is our mate.
This entire situation just got so much more complicated than I ever thought possible.
“I’ll make us something to eat while you get settled. Not sure if you prefer to shower before or after shifting?” I say with a strained voice.
“After.” Her gaze bounces around the room decorated in white with turquoise accents.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”
“Carter,” she calls as I reach the end of the hallway. It hits me like a gut punch, hearing my name fall from those poutyfucking lips, and I have to take a deep breath before I face her. “Thank you.” She smiles softly.
Nodding, I make my way to the kitchen and grab everything I need to prepare some sandwiches for us. She needs all the energy she can get. Healing will take a lot out of her. I pour us each a glass of juice and slice up some fruit before she appears.
She is wearing a pair of neon pink running shorts and a white tank top that shows off her gorgeous tits and a sliver of skin across her belly. I’ve never been so grateful to have a large kitchen counter I can hide my erection behind.