“Yes,” she moans down the line.

“Will you touch what I can only imagine is a juicy pussy while I tell you the rest?”

I have my cock in hand before she replies. The sounds she is making and the vision of what I want to do with her are enough to have my control slipping.

“Oh my God,” she sighs. “Will you tell me more?”

“Only if you describe what you are doing right now.”

A little growl comes from down the line before she speaks. “I used my left hand to push my panties aside. My pussy is warm and when I run my finger between the lips I can feel the slippery wetness.”

“Fuck,” I feel almost feral as I stroke my cock. “Do you want me to tell you about our date or about what I’m doing right now?”

She remains silent for a moment, the only sound between us that of our labored breathing.

“I want to know what you’re doing now,” she replies.

“I’m looking at the photo you sent me. My right hand stroking my fat cock as I imagine all the dirty, depraved things Ican’t wait to do to you.”

For a moment it sounds like the call may have dropped but then I hear her moaning again. But it sounds far off. I don’t get the chance to question her before a text with an attachment comes through on my phone. I nearly come like a teenager the moment I have it open. The photo is taken from her chest down. She has both bra cups pulled down exposing her erect nipples to my gaze. But the thing that catches my attention is the sight of two fingers pushed halfway into her pretty pink cunt. I can see the wetness on them.

“Fuck me,” I groan squeezing my cock tight to stave off my impending orgasm. “That photo is stunning. Good girl.”

While I’m talking to her, I have put her on speaker and I’m making a short clip of me stroking my cock. But I don’t send it to her. No, I will wait a few days to send it, build up the anticipation.

“I can hear you’re getting close. I want you to know something, though. On our date, I’m going to tie you to the bed and eat that pretty pink pussy until you cry.”

Those are the words that set her orgasm off, sending her into bliss. My name tumbles from her lips but it’s not the name I want to hear.

“Oh God, Brae,” she moans with abandon and sets my own orgasm into motion.

I can’t wait to hear her call me Carter while I shove her full of my fat dick. This female is going to be the fucking death of me.

Chapter Four

River Thomas

I know great sex can have you feeling relaxed. What I didn’t know was that a self-inflicted, semi-assisted orgasm would do the job just as well. I wake up refreshed after sleeping like the dead. Each night I talk to Boss9090 on the phone. We talk about regular mundane things like our favorite meals or movies. But before we end the call, he always tells me dirty fantasies he wants to play out with me, and I can’t wait for tomorrow and our official date.

Lying in bed as the morning sun peeks through the light blue curtains, I think of everything that was said and done last night. A smile spreads across my face with the memories and I know I won’t be disappointed in getting physical with him. How could I?

With a smile on my face, I start to get ready for the day ahead. The only thing dampening my mood is my new boss and the foul mood I am sure to find him in once I reach the office. Though, his sullenness can only affect me if I allow it, so he can go suck a lemon.

I have been working as his assistant for four days and except for the list he handed me on my second day, he seems to have locked himself in his office.

The tasks he wanted me to accomplish were menial at best, and it seemed he was testing me to make sure I could do my damn job. Well, he can kiss my ass. I finished his list the first day I had it.

I haven’t even seen him the entire week, except yesterday. The moment I arrived at the office he was waiting beside my desk to chew me out for finally decorating our floor for Christmas. He wanted maintenance to take the decorations down but once he was informed I paid for them out of my ownpocket, all I received was a grunt and a glare. I took that to mean I could leave them up.

Today, nothing—and I mean nothing—is going to ruin my good mood.

I take my time in the shower, shaving my legs and pampering myself a little. After all, I deserve to feel good about myself. I take my time choosing my underwear, a bright, fuchsia-colored set with lots of lace. Any woman can look good but it’s not as easy to feel good. I learned a long time ago that I can wear anything I want as long as I choose the right underwear. Starting with a good base is a great way to feel confident and sexy all day long. It’s like putting on armor.

I grab my handbag and keys but run into a solid wall of muscle as I leave the apartment. Before I can stumble, I am caught by large hands. Looking up, I find the one person that might have the power to fuck up this beautiful morning.

“Not today,” I say as I attempt to extract myself from Kevin’s grasp.

“River, babe, don’t be this way,” he says.