Page 59 of Dark Promise

“It’s a charity gala,” I point out. “We’re raising money for the shelter.”

“I know.” She glances toward the stage, where the projection screen shows a slideshow of kittens, puppies, and even a turtle looking for homes. “It’s adorable.”

“If they don’t hit their goal tonight, I’ll write a check myself,” I tell her.

“How are you doing?” Nadia asks me, her gaze turning sharp, probing. She knows me too well not to notice that something isn’t quite right.

“Fine,” I tell her, swallowing down the bubbly in one gulp.

Even to me, it sounds like a lie.


“Really. I’m fine. Peachy keen. You? Having fun? Being…” I sweep an arm toward the banquet hall filled with hundreds of people in black tie. “A sexy social butterfly?”

“As little as humanly possible,” she says. “You know I’m more of a sexy wallflower. I like to watch.”

This is good. I need a fresh distraction and maybe playing Cupid might help.

“Anyone in particular?” I raise a brow. I’d love to hear some news about my best friend’s love life. “Remember, what happens in Vegas…”

“Stays in Vegas,” she finishes with a laugh.

“No. Actually, it’s probably streamed live on social media, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun while you’re here.”

“Trust me, I’m having fun, and I will for the next two days before I head back to…”

Nadia trails off as she watches my brother Dante pass by. Of all my brothers, he’s the one who would much prefer to be in a leather jacket, t-shirt, and worn jeans.

But he didn’t determine the dress code tonight. I did.

Nadia watches Dante for a bit too long and he notices. He nods at her, at me, and then carries on. She sighs with appreciation.

“Your brothers are so fucking hot,” she says to me while grabbing a fresh flute of champagne off a passing tray. “How do you manage?”

“I manage by not noticing,” I tell her, unable to repress my cringe. “And don’t be gross. They’re mybrothers.”

“Hotbrothers,” she says again, her gaze still fixed on Dante’s backside.

“You seriously need to get laid,” I tell her.

She snorts. “Right back at you.”

I grimace, feeling guilty that I haven’t shared with her what happened with me and Nikolai. I didn’t tell her anything,actually, about my adventures after I left Roberto at the art gallery that night. As far as she knows, I went back to my hotel, and then went home on Monday.

Nadia’s known me long enough to know my family isn’t like other families, but she doesn’t know everything. It’s safer that way. Forher, that is.

Her head swivels and she stares at the bar. Luca stands leaning against it. He’s effortlessly charming in his perfectly tailored tuxedo, a glass of bourbon in his hand. His dark eyes sweep the room, missing nothing, though they linger just a little too long on Nadia. She pretends not to notice, but the way her fingers tighten on the stem of her glass tells a different story.


“Luca’s not one of my hot brothers,” I tell her. “But if you want a formal introduction, let me know. He’s single, the last time I checked.”

Her cheeks redden. “No, I’m good.”

“If you say so.”

“Anyway,” Nadia says, clearing her throat, “I’m here for you, not the shiny people.”