“The money,” I mutter. “When I looked earlier, it was saying the money was being processed, but now…”
“Is it not there yet?”
“It is, but they put way too much in there.” He chuckles and climbs on the bed and barks out, “Those fucking bastards.”
“Charged you too much. I’ll give it back.”
“No, they fucking robbed you.”
“What? No, that’s nuts.” There’s over two million dollars in my bank account.
“I don’t discuss money, but you’ll be my wife so if you must know, I paid them ten million.” That means…eight million should be mine.
My mouth falls open, staring at him like a dumbass, but all he does is get up and shake his head. A second later, he’s pacing and on the phone. He’s cursing someone out in a hushed, violent voice that screams he’s in charge. I watch his muscular body move like a wild animal that is primed to strike. It gives me a moment to silently examine his form, and that’s when I spot the scars on his body that I’d been too damn horny to notice. Most of them are small, but there’s a good gash down his side. I stare with amazement, so many questions in my head, but mostly I wonder if he’s as horny as I am right now.
I’m tempted to run my fingers between my thighs and strum away the ache he’s created by just being his bold, intense self. Instead, I’m interrupted by my phone that dings with a notification, and there’s another transaction for six million added. They had us all set up offshore accounts because larger sums of money would be questioned by the IRS, of course, and where could we say we got it from?
Prostitution is legal in other countries, but not here. Hell, are we even in the US? I’m not even sure. I was brought over in the middle of the night, but I could be in Canada or even in South America. Where do they have beautiful mountainsides?
“Oh, my goodness.” I look at the number and look back at him. “You didn’t really pay…”
“I needed a wife.”
“Wow. I can’t take all this money.” I shake my head, but he kneels on the bed and cups my cheeks to stop me.
“Well, you will.” He reaches over me and turns off the light next to the bed, then climbs in behind me, pulling me into his broad, bare chest.
“Well, then, I’ll consider it an advance on the divorce settlement,” I mutter with a defiant huff.
Could I just have a baby and abandon it? Or would he give me custody after we met the agreement? I’m sure he’s just trying to meet the demands of the will. He didn’t even want a family. I do want a child, and he looks like he’d produce a strong, handsome child with good genes, so I could do worse. Heck, I know I could do worse since I couldn’t pick a good boyfriend.
“Whatever. It’s time for bed. We have a wedding to attend tomorrow.” My eyes shoot open in the darkness as my body stiffens. “Go to sleep, Magnolia.” He snuggles his arms around me tightly. I take a deep breath and tell myself not to get used to this. When we get back, he’ll probably demand we sleep in separate bedrooms. I’m only there to give him a baby and then a divorce. Maybe I’ll suggest a separate bed.
A breakfast spread arrives for us about nine a.m. It’s brought in by one of Killian’s men that were at the door last night. “Ah, you’re awake. You need to eat, and then they’ll be here to help you pick a dress and do your makeup.”
“I thought you said this wasn’t something special.”
“It’s not, but I’m not going to let you get married in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. We need pictures and stuff.”
“Because the documentation isn’t enough?”
“I’m going to post it in the papers as well.”
“Oh, so we have to actually look like we’re a real couple.”
He cups my jaw a little harder than necessary. “We are a real couple. Remember what I told you. Don’t think about straying, Magnolia.”
“You know, other people just call me Mags.”
“Yes, well, I’m not other people. I’m going to be your husband. I prefer Magnolia.” I do too, but when he says it, it feels so personal—too personal.
“Whatever,” I answer with a shrug. I head to the giant spread of food. “Is there enough food? Please tell me it’s more than you and me eating?”
“Yes, the guys are eating as well.”