“So how is New York?” my brother Axel asks, breaking the long, drawn-out silence, and everyone fights a chuckle.
“Dinner’s ready,” my mom calls out.
“Thank goodness. That discussion really made me hungry,” Killian teases, giving me a wink. I think Christmas is going to be better than I expected, and I’m falling madly in love with my husband.
“Merry Christmas, Husband.” Her soft midwestern voice comes from beside me. It hasn’t changed much in the six years that we’ve been married and living in New York. I slide my arms around her and drag her warmth closer to me.
“Merry Christmas, my love,” I groan, leaning over my lovely and very pregnant wife, giving her a soft kiss.
“I don’t want to get out of bed yet,” she complains, running her hands over my chest. Damn, it feels so good. Nothing gives me more pleasure than Magnolia. I thought being the kingpin of the city and having absolute power was everything until I spotted her sexy ass across the room in that red Christmas getup. Now, it doesn’t hold a candle to the life she’s given me. I bend my head and nibble on her throat. She lets out a giggle.
“I don’t think we’re going to get a chance to hide away.” The sound of giggling and padding feet could be heard outside our bedroom door. “Come on in, little girls,” I call out. Bounding in with so much energy comes our two little girls with their long brown curls bouncing as they jump on our bed.
“Merry Christmas, Mommy and Daddy!” they scream with enthusiasm.
I smile as I pull my youngest away from her mother. “Be careful, girls. You don’t want to hurt Mommy.”
“Of course, Daddy,” my five-year-old says, giving me a gap-toothed grin with an eye roll. She’s extremely protective and a bit of a brat just like her godmother and Magnolia’s best friend, Kacey.
I didn’t know how much I wanted this. I’m still the same bastard I am outside my home, but for my family, I’ve toned down the monster. My nightstand still has a gun in it, but now it’s locked with my thumbprint. Other than that, you wouldn’t know that I’m the deadliest son of a bitch around. Because now I’m a girl dad—although my little prince is finally growing inside my beautiful wife.
“Did Santa come?”
“I don’t know,” my oldest lies through her teeth.
“Did you girls go peek downstairs?” Magnolia asks, staring at our youngest who always leads the oldest in doing bad things. Those two together are trouble, and we know it. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep them out of my business or away from boys, but we’ll take it one step at a time.
“We would never.” I see the mischievous grin on my youngest’s face while the oldest pretends to be innocent, and I know very well that the two have more than likely been up for hours waiting for the sun to start rising. “Can we open our gifts soon?”
“When everyone is up.”
“They’re all sleeping.” My little three-year-old grump crosses her arms, huffing and looking just like me.
“Well, Bella, go out and wake up Grandma and Grandpa, then.” The girls jump off the bed, run out of the room, and go straight to Grandma and Grandpa’s room.
My in-laws have decided to come visit for the holidays. Despite having a rough start with them, they’re not bad people. My activities have to remain peaceful while they’re here, but they know who I am and what I am, so it’s not a big deal. Even Kacey came to visit her goddaughters for the holidays.
“So, precious Momma, how are you feeling?”
“I’m perfect.”
“That you are. Would you like your gift now or later?”
“My gift?”
“Yes, Wife.”
“Why don’t you give it to me downstairs?”
“Because this one isn’t to be shared.” I wink and then drop to the edge of the bed and spread her legs. I’m about to dive into her pussy when I hear our kids running. Fuck, I didn’t lock the damn door. I’m on my feet.
“Later it is,” she answers.
“Yes,” I grumble, adjusting my cock as she closes her legs.