
It feels good to be back in New York, although this is an entirely different experience for me. Everything is grander, the best of the city at my feet.

Unfortunately, it rained all night and the temperature dropped down to fifteen degrees, so now it’s icy this morning and a bit slippery in patches. Then again, I’m not in my neighborhood, so it’s like they rolled out the street heaters to thaw the ice. Can’t have the rich ladies falling in their heels.

When I came to town two years ago, I’d essentially been a country bumpkin, a midwestern girl without a clue. Then I’d been stuck, drowning in debt, needing a lifeline that my roommate conveniently tossed my way—one she couldn’t take herself. It paid off, but in a way, it didn’t. I never expected to be married. It’s more than I bargained for. A weekend fling, a chance to start fresh, not a lifetime commitment to a child, but hey—I suppose that’s how babies are made sometimes, off a weekend fling, right?

“Since we’ll be flying out in two days, we’ll be staying at the condo. On our return, we’ll travel to our estate out of the city,” he says. His light eyes linger, but he doesn’t say more. As we exit the SUV, several more men in expensive long black coats surround us and hold the doors open for our entry. I understood Killian was wealthy so he needed security, but this seems excessive.

Thinking back to the auction and the offshore accounts, it was obvious that the people at these things were there for a reason and it wasn’t a televised event. “Come along, Magnolia.”He takes my hand, lacing our fingers as they press the elevator button for him.

“Mr. King, your lawyer would like to meet.”

“Tell him that I will meet tomorrow morning. My wife and I need our rest.”

“Yes, Bos—Mr. King.” He leaves us, and we take the elevator up to the penthouse. It opens into a lavish hallway, and then he unlocks a grand double door. He pushes it open and takes me inside.

He turns his gaze on me as I stare at the insane beauty that I’ve only seen in movies or online. “Welcome home. Let me take your coat.” He slips behind me as I slide it off my shoulders. His nose brushes my neck, and then he kisses my shoulder before taking it away.

“Wow, this place is crazy beautiful,” I say, stepping into the living area and staring toward the large wall of windows that overlook the city.

“It’s nothing compared to my wife,” he answers from just steps behind me.

I twist slightly with a twitch in my grin. “I think you’re just trying to sleep with me.”

He closes the distance between us. Slicing his fingers through my hair, pushing it out of the way and cupping the back of my head, Killian spins me around. “The truth is what it is, but that doesn’t change that I want you in our bed or on any surface that ends with my cock deep inside your pussy.” Staring into his sexy blue eyes, I’m captivated by the honesty.

The rush of fluid spreads between my legs so quickly that I slam them shut. “Killian.”

“Yes, my wife?”

“Welcome me home properly. Fuck me.”

He growls, scooping me up and carrying me straight into his bedroom where we stay for the rest of the evening, screwing and sleeping all night.


“Hey, Mike, can you take me to my apartment? I need to get some things, and I want to check in with my roommate.”

“Sure, Mrs. King.” He drives us to the Bronx and grumbles all the way there. I’m sure he’s going to tell his boss that he married a street rat.

“This isn’t a safe neighborhood for you, Mrs. King.” He steadies me as we take the stairs.

“I know. Luckily, you’re here with me now.”

“That’s most certainly a great thing.” We climb the stairs together, and he watches my back the entire way like someone is going to jump out of the woodwork and get us. I roll my eyes several times as I make my way to the third floor. Once we’re upstairs, I unlock my apartment door and see my place cleaned out. It doesn’t even look like anyone lives here.

“What the hell? Where are my belongings? Did he do something with my things? Where is my roommate?” I run through every room, and there’s nothing. It’s almost a completely new apartment except for the wear and tear of people having lived there for two years.

I turn back to Mike and ask again, “Did Killian do this?” but he’s on the phone.

“He wants to talk to you.” He hands me the phone.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m not hurt, obviously, but everything is gone. All of my belongings are gone. I have nothing. Even my roommate is missing.”

“Who is your roommate? What’s her name?”