Page 14 of Flawless

I continue with my speech thanking everyone who had a hand in crafting my show and tonight’s win, ending with a very special thank you to my parents and family.

By the time I make it back to my seat, I’m ready to pass out again, and I only hope that I can make it through the evening.

“How much longer do we have?” I ask Andre as I sit down.

Leaning in, he kisses my temple and says, “Just under an hour.”

I lean into him, and he wraps his arm tightly around me.

“Are you ready to blow this spot?” he asks into my hair, careful not to let his lips be seen on national television.

People have notoriously been dragged for having their lips read on TV to their shame and horror. Glancing up, I catch Dexter’s eye and angle my eyes toward the exit. His nod is brief and subtle, and I see him making his way in the direction I need to go.

We sit through the next round of speeches until the commercial break comes. At that time, Andre and I beeline for Dexter who ushers us from the hangar and to our waiting limo.

“Congratulations, ma’am,” Dexter says before closing the door on me.

“Thanks, Dex,” I say softly.

As the car whisks us off, I press the button to close the partition and climb on Andre’s lap. Looping my arms around his neck, I kiss his lips and begin removing his tie.

“Can’t wait, can you?” he says into the kiss as he lifts my dress up and over my hips.


Andre is a friend of mine who makes himself available whenever I have public appearances, or if I just need sex.

“Wait a minute, baby,” he says, leaning sideways and grabbing the bottle of champagne that sits chilling on ice.

“We do deserve to celebrate, don’t we?”

“This is just the beginning,” he says, popping the bottle.

We don’t bother with champagne glasses. He generously pours the cold, sweet liquid down the bodice of my dress and then tugs the front of the dress down.

Scooping my breasts into my hands, I keep them lifted for him as they form a cup for him to sip from. As his tongue dragsdown between my breasts and to my nipples, my head drops back, and I struggle to keep my breasts lifted.

Andre’s full lips dip down into the cup that’s formed, and he sips from them, eventually turning his attention to my budded nipples. I lose focus when he does that, releasing my breasts and clinging to his head instead.

“Ohh, shit,” I moan as he sucks my left breast while circling a finger around the right nipple.

“We’ll be at the hotel in a few minutes,” Andre warns as I wiggle and gyrate on his lap.

“Doubt if I can wait,” I purr.

“I need you to hop up so I can grab a condom,” he says, shifting in his seat.

I move off him, and while he’s struggling with his wallet and the condom, I grab my purse and remove some pills. I take Zoloft, hydrocodone, and Xanax.

“Come here,” he says, holding the champagne bottle.

Climbing back onto his lap, I open my mouth and tilt my head back as he pours the champagne down my throat.

“Now ride this dick, bitch,” he grunts, slapping my ass.

I climb on him and ride him hard and long. Even when the car stops, I don’t. Dexter knows not to disturb me until I tell him that I’m ready.

And when Andre finally releases, I’m just getting warmed up.