Page 100 of Blaze & Ajax

I grabbed the folder and barreled past her, still standing in the doorway, nearly knocking her over, but her next words stopped me.

“I didn’t have to take care of you, Aiden… money or no money. You weren’t my responsibility, but I gave you all that I could financially. You were born to my cheating husband. I… was angry, and you were a daily reminder of that. Then, you… took away my other husband by sleeping with him. Two men betrayed me, and you were always in the middle of it. At that point, I couldn’t look at you any longer.”

I refused to feel guilty for being fucking born, but for the first time, I felt true guilt over what I’d done. But it was all too little, too late. She wasn’t my mother.

I couldn’t breathe or see clearly. My mind was a riot of guilt and pain and betrayal and lies and doubts and self-loathing.

I ran. I was going to be sick.

As soon as I reached outside, slamming the door behind me, I couldn’t keep in the contents of my stomach any longer and threw up on her bushes over and over until I was dry-heaving, drool dripping off my lip and chin, which I wiped away with a trembling hand.

Gentleness took hold, turned me around, and held me after I finished being sick. I sobbed into Ajax’s chest.

He was still there. He hadn’t left.

“Shh, it’s over now. I’ve got you.”

“God, the lies… The betrayal. My past is like… out of a fucking soap opera…” I gasped between sobs. “Who the hell lives like that? And the worst part? I helped make it that way. I blamed her for everything, but I was at fault, too.”

After I’d calmed down, Ajax helped me onto his bike, and we took off to head back to his place. As soon as we were home, I told him everything. Every single thing my ‘mother’ had said to me and what had happened. I even told him my fears of him leaving me, too—the absolute worthlessness I felt.

Ajax combed fingers through my hair as I rested my head on his lap in his bed. “You have a new family now, one that loves you and cares about you. We will never leave you. We will never turn our backs on you. I love you… forever. Never doubt that again.”

I nodded and clung to him. “I’ll… try. At least, I’m me again. Aiden Reeves. And I have the paperwork to prove it.”

A couple of daysafter that shitshow with mymother, I sat across from Nacho at a diner. I’d called to meet up with him, but I didn’t explain why, and he showed up, no questions asked. I berated myself for being such an ass to Ajax and his friends for so long.

“Well, hello, Nate. How are you and Sam doing?” our server asked, pouring us two glasses of water.

Nacho looked up and smiled at the pretty woman with dark brown hair and kind dark eyes. “Hey, Ms. J! We’re really good.” He looked at me and smiled softly. “This is Aiden. He’s… new to our family. He’s also dating Ajax now.”

She beamed and took my hand to shake. “What a pleasure, Aiden. I’m glad Ajax has found someone in his life. I’m Stix’s mother, but you boys usually just call me Ms.J.”

I sat up straight, suddenly seeing the resemblance, which wasn’t easy with Stix bleaching his hair all the time. “Oh, uh, hello. Nice to meet you.”

“And it’s nice to meet you. You’re going to love hanging around these boys, and Jazz, too. She’s a wild one, but a sweetie,” she chuckled. “I better get back to my other tables. What can I get you, boys?”

“I’ll have the pancakes and a coffee,” I said, even though it was afternoon.

“Guess what I want?” Nacho said, smiling.

“A pile of nachos with extra cheese, coming right up.”

She walked off, leaving Nacho and me alone.

His dark curls were getting long and falling into his face. He brushed them back with his fingers in irritation.

“So, I’m here,” he said.

“Thanks, man.” I took a sip of water and set down my glass. “So, uhm, I called because I need some advice.”

“Sure, about what?”

“Taking care of someone.”

“Ajax, you mean?”

I nodded. “He’s getting better, but he won’t always be that way. His doctor said he could slip again. We’re preparing for it all, but… I’ve never taken care of anyone before, let alone myself.”