Page 57 of Blaze & Ajax

Ajax pressed his nose to my neck and inhaled me. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

My eyes slid closed, and I nodded as he put his lips to mine. His upper lip was sweaty and tasted of salt, but I didn’t give a fuck. Ajax was claiming me in front of everyone. Me, a loser and destroyer of marriages, and who would’ve done it again had I not met Ajax. I was such a fuckup, and he liked me, anyway.

As soon as his tongue thrust into my mouth, there was a loud cheer behind me, but I tuned them out, completely at Ajax’s mercy. I was always at his mercy, and it was exactly where I wanted to be. His acceptance of me helped push away the last bit of fear inside me, and for the first time in years, I was filled with hope.

I would do anything to keep this. To keep him.


Ajax wrapped a leg over his bike and shoved on a black-and-green helmet that matched his bike before handing me one in all black, which I put on.

“Hang on tight because I drive fast,” he said.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve ridden with you before, remember?”

“Sure, but I’m feeling especially speedy today.”

“I miss my bike. I like speeding, too.”

“Well, buckle up. This will be fun.”

He turned on the bike, and it roared to life, vibrating under my ass. As soon as I had my arms wrapped around him, he took off like a bolt.

Traffic wasn’t heavy for a Sunday, so we whipped around cars, angled sharply around turns, and blazed at high speeds whenever there was a clearing in the road.

My heart beat so fast, remembering all the times I used to drive my car or ride my bike—the excitement of it. My helmeted head pressed to his back as I watched the world go by in a blur.

The ride ended much too soon when we pulled into an alley by his apartment building. He turned off the bike, and we climbed off.

Ajax ripped the helmet off, looking sexy as fuck with his messy hair sticking up everywhere. He looked down at me with a gleam in his sweet, chocolatey eyes.

“What?” I asked.

He suddenly grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder as if I was a rag doll.


“Ajax! Put me fucking down!”


“Fucking goddammit! I’m not some girl.”

“You’re mine, is what you are. Now behave. We’re going up to my place, and I’m going to make love to you. Afterward, I’ll make you some dinner.”

He walked inside the building, refusing to set me down. “Put me down now.”

“Nope. Now, I’m not the best cook in the world, but I can make a few things.”

“I don’t fucking care. I would like to walk.”

“Don’t make me spank you right here on the staircase.”

My face burned, and I went limp, letting him have his fucking way.

“Asshole,” I muttered.

His laugh rang out into an echo in the hall.