Page 97 of Blaze & Ajax

I don’t fight her because I know I have a place to stay. While I’d love to grab my things, I can do it later with Howard. Or he’ll take care of my finances and get me what I need.

Once we reach the front door, she opens it and drags me outside. She lets me go, slams the door, and locks it.

I stand there, my heart beating wildly, and I struggle to catch my breath. The only thing keeping me from panicking is knowing I have Howard, my Dom, my love. I didn’t care what he said earlier. He loves me. He only said those things to keep Mom calm.

After staying the night at Storm’s place, I take a cab to downtown Baltimore with the money his parents gave me.

Howard’s law firm is in a tall glass building on the tenth floor. I sign in at the registration desk in the lobby and go up in the elevator. Then I stop at the reception desk.

“Hi, I’d like to see Howard Decker, please.”

She scans me up and down, but she’s too professional to say anything. “May I tell him who’s here?”

“His son… stepson, Aiden.”

“Just a moment.”

She lifts her phone and calls him. After letting him know I’m here, she sets down the receiver. “He’ll be with you shortly.”

I nod and sit on the leather sofa in the waiting area, bouncing my knee, filling up with relief. I knew he wanted to be with me.

Howard soon comes out, wearing a navy-blue suit, crisp white shirt, and a pale blue tie. He says nothing as I stand to greet him. Instead of saying anything, he grips my arm so tight I wince, and I know instantly I’m in trouble.

Howard leads me to a small private office that’s empty except for a desk and an office chair.

“Sit,” he says.

I sit in the chair as he takes the corner of the desk.

“What are you doing here?”

My stomach twists. Something’s wrong. “M-mom kicked me out. I thought I could stay with you. I… need you.”

He runs a hand through his neatly cropped salt and pepper hair, then slowly shakes his head and sighs. “Aiden, grow the fuck up. You’re nineteen years old. You’re a grown-ass adult.”


“No buts,” he interrupts. “Go find a damn job and learn to live on your own.”

“I-I… have nothing.”

“I’m sorry, Aiden. I can’t help you.” He opens his wallet and slides me a hundred-dollar bill.

My eyes water and my lip trembles as I snag the cash. I’m suddenly terrified to not only lose him, but to be on my own with nothing. I don’t even have the driver’s license that I fought hard to get back after my accident. “You said you loved me.”

Howard chuckles humorlessly. “You’re so naïve, Aiden.” He stands and smooths out his suit, ignoring my flood of tears. “It’s been fun, but I cannot have you living with me. I’ve already risked my career with your mom finding out. I won’t let you ruin me.”

Howard opens the door but stops when I call him.

“Please, Howard… Dom. I’ll… do anything you want.”

Without turning to look at me, he says, “Goodbye, Aiden.”

My world shatters around me.

The memories of thatnight came flooding back, making me slightly nauseous. My hand trembled as I lifted the door knocker and rapped it on the door. I know my mother is home because Ajax and I sat and waited on his bike for her to drive up to the house.

He stayed back as I’d asked him to so I could confront her on my own. I needed to handle her my way.