He thrust and thrust, his mouth pressed to my ear, his fisted hand in my hair hurt, but I loved it, too. I couldn’t move at all as Ajax had full control over my body.
“I fucking love you,” he grunted in my ear.
My body froze. “Wha…?”
“I. Love. You.”
I tried to shake my head, but I couldn’t move with him holding my head by my hair.
He didn’t mean it. He was just drunk.
“Say it back!” he yelled, slamming hard into my ass.
I shook my head again.
I couldn’t.
I wasn’t ready.
I didn’t want to.
Maybe I did feel that way, but I wasn’t about to tell him. Not now. Not yet. Maybe never.
“Tell me you love me.”
My eyes watered as Ajax continued to abuse my hole with his dick while abusing my soul with his words. Before I could panic, hot cum filled me, and Ajax pulled out and fell on top of me.
“Fuck, yeah…” he groaned, rolling off me.
I sat up, wincing at the soreness and the cum leaking out of me. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up now. I’ll give you some water, and we can sleep.”
Ajax yanked me on top of him. “No sleep. I’m not tired yet. Give me a minute to rest, and I’ll be ready again.”
He tried to pull me into a kiss, but I yanked myself away and fisted his hair like he always did with me. “We’re going in that fucking bathroom, where you’re going to sit on the toilet, and let me clean you up. Then, you’re going to drink water and go to sleep. Is that under-fucking-stood?”
He tried to paw at me again, but I moved back, still holding his hair.
“I love it when you get bossy, baby,” he said, smirking.
I held back my smile and scowled at him. “Up.”
Ajax sat up and followed me into the bathroom, muttering something I couldn’t understand. I flipped on the light, and we were both blinded for a second, squinting until our eyes adjusted.
“Sit,” I ordered.
Ajax paced in the small area, fidgety and looking flighty as hell.
“Goddammit, Ajax… sit!”
He finally sat on the toilet lid with a huff, and I lifted his hair to look at the wound. Cueball was right. It looked superficial, like a scrape rather than a gouge.
“How fast were you driving?”
He shrugged, bouncing his leg rapidly.