Hot spurts of cum shot down my throat as his dick pulsed on my tongue. I swallowed all of it, sucking him until he had nothing left to give.
Blaze lay there, panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly, with his forearm over his eyes. “Tell me.”
“You were so good, Kitten,” I replied without hesitation.
That was when I noticed it. How had I not seen it before, even when I gripped his forearms? I’d been so hyper-focused on why Blaze had come here and what he wanted from me, that I hadn’t even seen his hand wrapped up in T-shirt material. It wasn’t his wrapped hand that had my attention, but the red blood soaking into the white fabric.
“What happened?”
I grabbed his hand, but he snatched it away. “Nothing.”
I grabbed it again, holding it tightly, so he couldn’t pull away, and peeled back the cloth. There were several lacerations over the knuckles.
He tried to tug his hand away again, but I held on. “Stop it!”
“Let me go,” he hissed.
“You need stitches.”
“The fuck I do.”
“How did this happen?” I demanded, suddenly feeling oddly protective of him. Did someone hurt him?
No, it was only the euphoria of sex. Still, I wouldn’t let go of his hand as blood oozed out of the cheap plastic bandages.
“It doesn’t matter! Give me back my hand!”
“At least let me take you to a clinic.”
“The fuck you care? I’m just a good little hole.”
Blaze’s eyes turned red and wet, and he finally yanked his hand hard and out of my grasp. He moved his head away from me so I wouldn’t see, but I saw the wetness spill downhis face, anyway.
I’d been riding high, ignoring all the red flags and warning signs, reminding me there was a deeper reason Blaze had come by. I also felt a little used, but I couldn’t figure out why.
Impulsively, I yanked him by his shoulder and shoved him back into the bed.
“Get off! Let me go!” he snarled. Despite the tears, his face was full of danger, and once again, I ignored the warning bells.
“Why are you so upset?”
“Fuck you!”
“Isn’t this what you wanted?”
He said nothing, trying to look away.
“You’re not being such a ‘good boy’ now, are you?”
His face took on a sense of calm, and that right there should have signaled me to let him go, but I had no control over myself. Ineededto know what the hell was going on, which overrode my sense of self-preservation.
I hadn’t even noticed my balls were hanging over his knee, but I did then when the pain traveled across my entire body before congregating straight to my nuts. I folded in on myself on the bed, trying to keep from throwing up. My hands cupped my throbbing junk, but there was no reprieve from the fiery pain and ache.
“Fuck you!” he said again, climbing out of bed. “You got to fuck me, and I got what I needed. We’re done! And you’re fucking finished humiliating me! I hate you!”
I gasped for breath as my watering eyes barely saw him quickly get dressed and storm out of my apartment, slamming the door behind him.
“Yeah? Well fuck you, too!” I yelled.