Relief filled me that there would be more money soon, and for another month, I wouldn’t have to worry about cash.
It was Sunday, twodays since Blaze and I kissed. My mind kept bouncing all over the place, thinking about the potential of it while fighting it. Ideas popped in and out of my head, from what I could do to his body for pleasure to what I could do to his body to fucking hurt him and make him pay for that little game.
I tried to eat breakfast and drink some coffee, but my taste buds hadn’t improved. I ate as much as possible, so I didn’t starve and tossed the rest out.
I spent most Sundays skating with my friends, and it was an awesome way to burn off this energy. It was my only full day from work each week. I shouldn’t complain. I hadn’t felt this alive in a long time. Though I couldn’t catch up with sleep, still tossing and turning each time, I managed to snag about fourhours last night.
All my friends swung by at my place to grab me as we made our way to Old Town Mall. The day wasn’t too cold, but the rain came down like a fine mist. The weather didn’t stop us from skating over there, but as soon as we got to the place, I was chilled to the bone, even through my jacket and hoodie.
The old, gutted store was crowded today with skaters, and it was loud from various radios blasting music. We all sat in a circle, smoked, shared a flask of whiskey, and chatted.
Alpha finally showed up, which was a rare treat since he worked so hard on his bar and had little time.
We all adored Alpha. He was tough, yet kind and open. In all our years, we’d never seen him with anyone serious. My crew and I often worried and talked about him being lonely. Maybe he’d have a fling here or there, but no one seemed to grab at him, and he seemed fine with that, not that he talked about his feelings much. Usually, he talked about his past and what he’d gone through. Like us, he had a rough childhood.
I hadn’t dated anyone in a long time, either. Working two jobs and hanging out with my friends didn’t leave me a lot of time. Like Alpha, I fucked around sometimes, but I hadn’t found anyone who interested me enough for more, not that I was looking all that hard. I’d always been independent and good on my own.
Stone, Cueball, and Blaze showed up about thirty minutes later. Stix stood at Stone’s arrival, and the two sucked each other’s faces off. Stone was tall, but not as tall as me, but broader. He had the same dark brown hair that I did, keeping his cropped really short, but it was growing out.
When they sat down, Stix sat in Stone’s lap.
Meanwhile, Pippin and Nacho gave each other constant lovey-dovey eyes. Interesting. Did they finally admit their feelings for each other? We all saw the two best friends were in love, but they were fucking idiots for hiding it from each other. If any of us were soulmates, it’d be Pippin and Nacho.
My attention was suddenly yanked toward a presence I instantly recognized. Blaze. I eyed him as that ever-familiar anger surged inside me, but now there was something new there, too. My memories went right to that kiss from the night before last, the way his small, hard body pressed against mine, hislegs wrapped tightly around my hips… his hard cock digging into my stomach, making mine swell.
I stared at Blaze while he refused to look at me. His black hair really contrasted against his skin, which looked silky and pale, other than the flushed cheeks. The only bits of tattoo that showed through his black sweater were on his throat, black ink creeping up. I hoped he never tatted his face.
Where the fuck had that come from? Why’d I give a fuck what he did to his face or not?
His black eyes looked everywhere but at me. I wasn’t sure how that made me feel other than I didn’t like it for some reason.
I angrily grabbed a cig from my bag and sat behind my friends, not wanting Blaze to see how much he had affected me. My friends were oblivious, chatting, drinking, and smoking, while I was as silent as Blaze, pinging my eyes back and forth at him.
The longer he ignored me, the more pissed I got.
Fuck him. He could pretend we didn’t kiss at all. Whatever. Why did I even care, anyway?
“Why are you so fucking quiet?” Cueball asked Blaze, snagging my attention on the big bald guy who looked older than his years. How oldwasCueball, anyway? Maybe he was a lot older.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Blaze huffed. “I’m talkin’.”
“No, you’re off. Something’s going on with you. I’ve noticed your mood all day.”
“So! What’s it to you? I’m not allowed to be in a ‘mood?’”
My eyes bugged out of my head when Cueball grabbed a fistful of Blaze’s hair. “Your face is fucking red. Why?”
That was why Blaze’s face was red. I thought it was from the cold, but no.Washe thinking about our kiss? Was he as pissed as I was?
Blaze scowled and shoved Cueball away. “Fuck off!”
Cueball shrugged, then looked over at me with all-knowing eyes. Then his brow rose without showing much else on his face. “You… holy shit, you and Ajax? Did you two…?”
That got everyone’s attention, suddenly noticing us as they stared back and forth between Blaze and me. My stomach flipped and turned to acid. God, how did Cueball see that? He was like some fucking psychic or something.
Jazz snorted a laugh. “Fuck me. I was joking when I said you two should bang. I didn’t mean it literally,” she said before falling back into a fit of giggles.
My face burned as brightly as Blaze’s.