Page 60 of Obsessive Love

I shake my head and gnaw on my bottom lip as my brain begins to do the maths.

"It's been three weeks."

They both look over at me as I step away from the counter and raise my hands to my head, rubbing my fingers against my aching temples.

"Holy shit!" Jess shouts, standing from her chair and watching me with a look of horror on her face. "No way!"

"What's going on?" my mother asks.

"There's no way," Jess says, ignoring my mother and looking at me as she shakes her head. "You're just stressed with everything that's been going on."

"It's a possibility though!" I screech as I frantically pace around the room.

"Will both of you calm down and tell me what's going on!" My mother shouts, drawing both of our attention to her.

I shake my head, not only at my thoughts but also to answer her question.

"I-I can't be," I mutter, looking at her through blurred vision. "This would be so bad, Ma."

She frowns as she walks over to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"You just said it yourself, darling. It's a possibility," she says as she soothingly brushes her fingers through my hair.

"Jess, go and get your car and wait for Sophia outside. You're going to take her to the store to buy her a test and then take her home and wait with her for the results, okay?"

I watch Jess nod her head before she grabs the bag of M&Ms and hurries out of the kitchen.

My mother pulls me away from her chest, cupping my head in her hands and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

"You haven't had sex with Jericho yet?"

I shake my head, rolling my lips inward and biting down on them, trying to contain the tears that want to escape.

"So, if you are pregnant, it's from the night you had with that stranger a few nights before the wedding?" she asks.

"What?" I croak, staring at her in confusion.

She chuckles lightly and shakes her head.

"You've never been very good at hiding secrets from me, baby. Not only that, you and Jaylen slipped up about being at Jess' house and you turned up here with hickeys on your skin. I may be getting old, but I'm not daft." She places a kiss against my cheek and then wraps her arm around me as she walks me out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

She pulls us to a stop as we reach it.

"Do you know who he is?"

I nod my head and cringe at the question.

"It was Kaleb," I whisper.

Her eyes go wide, and her mouth gapes open before she quickly recovers. She smiles at me grimly instead.

"Well, that's unexpected," she states. "Keep me updated on the situation, Sophia. Message me as soon as you know and I promise I will help you in any way I can, whatever the results may be."

I quietly thank her and give her a quick hug before I rush out the door and jump in the passenger seat of Jess' car.

Jess starts the car and peels away from my parent's house, placing her hand on my thigh and giving it a gentle, comforting squeeze.

"I'm sure we're worrying over nothing, Soph. It's going to be okay."