Page 77 of Red Captive

“We understand your reasons for doing this, and they are sound. Your family back home needs the money. I’m sure you are aware of this, but they received an advance, as per Arctic’s request, which means that there is time for you to decide.”

Wait just a minute. Say what?

“Arctic requested the advance?” I blurt out before I can stop myself. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. I’m shocked, that’s all. I assumed it was the general.” The asshole made it sound like it was all his plan. What a jerk!

“Ice agreed that it was a good idea, but make no mistake, it was Arctic who insisted you get the money upfront.” Frost nods. “He knows all about your family and how you have been taking care of them from such a young age. The only reason Arctic was on board with this at all was that you needed the funds, which Ice agreed to front.”

I glance at Steel, whose gaze softens as soon as I lock eyes with him.

Frost runs a hand down the front of his uniform, like he’s trying to smooth a nonexistent crease. “Know that Arctic is greatly concerned about your well-being. I must be honest with you, Miss Harris; he doesn’t like this whole setup. He hasn’t liked it from the start, but Ice has been insistent, like a dog with a bone. Once my twin fixates on something, he doesn’t let it go easily. He has decided that you are needed on the island. That you’d make a good test subject for when Tributes start to come in from the Mainland, and perhaps he is right.”

“I wouldn’t know anything about that except to beg you to keep in mind that we humans are people with lives and feelings. That we didn’t ask to be here.”

“Rest assured that Tributes will not be brought to the island against their will. We will not operate like Draig does. We are still working through the ins and outs of how the Mistveil Tribute Program will work. We are taking it seriously, I assure you. Just like we’re taking your situation seriously.”

“That’s good to know.” My fate does not rest solely with the general. It gives me peace of mind. Arctic is scrutinizing this whole situation. I will be able to choose. My family will get the money. Perhaps I will be able to appeal for them to come and live on the island. Life will be good. I will make the most of it.

“Are you content to proceed with finding a mate? I can have you on the next flight to the Mainland if you are not one hundred percent certain.”

“I will stay. Thank you for checking in.”

“If you change your mind, please do not hesitate to let us know. You will be granted safe passage home.”

“That is good to know. Thank you.” I smile, even though I feel like screaming inside. This was easier when I didn’t have much of a choice.

I burn to tell the prince that I would like to be on the next flight. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t do it. I need to do what’s best for Caleb and my mother.

“Understand that Arctic is very ready to pull the plug on this project, Miss Harris. I mentioned earlier that many aspects of this arrangement do not sit comfortably with him.” Frost glances at Steel for a moment before looking back at me. “It is important that you are aware of that. As well as of your rights. This is all up to you. There is no pressure to mate with anyone.”

“Noted. Thank you. Please tell Arctic…the king, that I want to go through with this. I’m fully on board. As you mentioned earlier, my family needs the funds.”

Frost nods. “I will make the king aware of your wishes, that they have not changed. Know that he will be reassured. I will be back. I will check in with you often.” He nods once.

“Thank you for stopping by, Your Royal Highness,” Steel says. “I will keep Miss Harris safe…I swear. I will inform you immediately if she changes her mind.”

Frost smiles. It lasts all of three seconds. It looks sad. “I know you will, Steel.”

Steel’s whole frame tenses. His jaw, too. He looks down at his feet for a few seconds like he’s composing himself, then he bows his head. “Give King Arctic my best.” His voice is gruff.

Frost leaves, closing the door behind him.

“What was that?” I ask.

“I don’t know.”

“It’s like they don’t trust Ice…and with good reason,” I say. “He’s a lying son of a bitch. The more I get to know him, the more I dislike him. He acted like it was all his idea to give me the advance. Like he was doing me a favor. Then he lied to you about me. About my family.”

“He’s not opposed to lying to get what he wants, but he loves being a royal. He loves the power, the prestige. He won’t like that Arctic is involving himself to this degree.”

“I’m feeling far more relaxed about the whole thing. At least I know for sure that my family will get the funds they need. I don’t trust Ice.”

“Arctic is a good male and a great king; you have nothing to worry about.”

I nod. “I have to see this through, even more so now than ever before.”

“I know.” I see a flash of something that looks like pain in his eyes, but I could be mistaken. Then he smiles. “I want you to know that I think you’re brave, selfless, and truly courageous. I think most people would have chosen the easy way out, but not you. You are—”

Steel’s cell phone rings, the sound filling the room. The word “General” flashes on the screen.