Page 68 of Red Captive

“Everything. He let you pick the movie. Big fucking mistake.” I shake my head.

“He’s a gentleman. A gentleman lets the lady pick on their first date.”

“Is that what this was? I thought it was a meet and greet. A date is different.” I sound like a jealous asshole. I’ve never been jealous. Not a day in my life. “For the record, the movie you picked was terrible. My eyes almost started bleeding. It was—”

She gasps. “‘50 First Dates’ is a classic. What are you talking about? Logan laughed his ass off. I knew he would enjoy it because he’s a nice guy.”

“You mean to tell me you’ve watched that movie before? You watched it, and you actually chose to watch it again? Like on purpose?”

“Yes, of course I’ve watched it before. I wanted him to watch it, too. I love Drew Barrymore; she’s one of my favorite actresses.”

“Nope, he didn’t enjoy it much at all. He watched you more than he did the movie. I caught him ogling your tits and your legs. That’s what he enjoyed watching. Not that movie. No fucking way.” I need to shut the hell up. I’m sounding more jealous by the second. I’m not! It isn’t that. Jen asked for my opinion and I’m giving it to her. I’m pointing out what she didn’t see.

She gasps again. “Bullshit! He was nice. Nice guys don’t…do things like that.” She shakes her head. Is she really this naïve?

I laugh. “He might be nice, but that didn’t stop him from looking at you a whole hell of a lot. Oh, and that crap about enjoying ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’…” I shake my head. “That’s all bull.”

“No, it isn’t! He enjoyed the movies. Why would he say he enjoyed something when he didn’t?”

I snort, but it quickly turns into a barked-out laugh. “He told you that to get on your good side, namely between your legs.” I’m being blunt but honest. Surely, she knows all of this?

Our driver’s eyes shift to the rearview mirror. I narrow mine on him, telling him to mind his own fucking business, which he does.

Jen gasps loudly. Her eyes are wide. Her mouth stays open for a few seconds as she glares at me. “I can’t believe yousaid that. Actually, I can. I think we should drop this whole conversation and right now, please.”

I shrug. “You asked for my opinion.”

“Well, I’m very sorry that I did. I won’t be asking you again.”

“Good.” I realize that I haven’t been searching for Lake like I normally would be and turn my gaze outside where it belongs.

We finish the rest of the trip in silence. It doesn’t take long before we arrive at the palace.

Jen is already out of the vehicle by the time I get to her side. She doesn’t even look at me as we start walking. We go through the reception, which is busier than normal.

We’re about to go down the hallway that leads to the elevators when a familiar voice calls out to Jen.

“Hey! Jen! Wait up,” he says, jogging to us.

It’s Rex. No! Fuck! Not now. Actually, not ever.

His eyes are lit up. His gaze is firmly on the human. “I was hoping to run into you.” He pulls her into a hug.

I’m not sure where it comes from. Actually, I do…it’s my asshole dragon. He is done with all of these males touching what he considers to be his. It doesn’t matter how much I explain to him that Jen is not for us, he refuses to agree or to believe it.

Rex’s hand goes straight to her lower back as he pulls her in…all the fucking way in. He buries his face in her hair and inhales.

Hoping to run into us? More like waiting for us. I snarl. It isn’t overly loud, but it is warning enough to have Rex leap back. He lets the female go. His eyes are wide.

“Not today,” I tell him. “Miss Harris is late for an appointment.” I take her arm and march down the hallway.

“Sorry, Rex. Next time,” Jen says over her shoulder.

“No problem,” the male says, sounding a little shell-shocked, which is good. It appeases my dragon somewhat.

I feel like a grade-A prick. I need to stop this behavior. I need to dial it back by fifty damned notches.

I push the button three times in succession as we reach the elevator, and the doors open almost immediately, which I take as a win. The sooner we get to the apartment, the sooner I can calm the fuck down. Ineedto calm down. I’m being ridiculous and acting completely out of character.