Page 66 of Red Captive

“Big time. I mean, who isn’t? Normally, I would say that I preferred the books, but not when it comes to that particular series, although the books were great, too.”

“I enjoyed ‘Fifty Shades’ myself.” He licks his lips. “Let me fetch those steaks. Then we’ll take our lunch into the living room. I’ll let you pick out a movie.” Logan gets up.

“Do you need any help with anything?” I ask.

“Nope, you stay right there.” Then he walks inside.

I glance at Steel, who looks…angry. His whole body is tense.

“He seems nice,” I tell Steel, who doesn’t look my way.

“I’m sure the two of you will make a wonderful couple.”

I don’t say anything. I drink my tea and try hard to keep my eyes off my guard, off of Steel, but my gaze keeps drifting over to him.

My body tightens. I get this heavy feeling in my lower belly. I’m trying so hard to forget what happened and to move on. I have to. Someone needs to give my body a memo. There are certain parts of me that have yet to forget the pleasure of his touch. I hope they forget soon. This is getting annoying.

When Logan gets back, he’s carrying a large tray. “Ready?”

I nod, disappointed at how little I feel for the handsome shifter. I like him, but not in that way.

Why not? He’s freaking perfect.

Shit! Am I falling for Steel? I look over at him, catching his eye. His gaze burns into me. He is the one who looks away first. I realize that my heart is beating faster. That my breathing is a little elevated.


This isn’t good at all. Thing is, my body isn’t in charge. My body doesn’t know what’s good for it. I do! I know what I need to do.

“Are you sure I can’t prepare you something?” Logan asks Steel.

“I’m good, thanks,” Steel says in a gruff voice. He doesn’t have to be so rude.

“Yum, those look good,” I tell Logan in a sing-song voice. I give Steel a hard glare, but he keeps his eyes facing forward.

There is a sizzle as Logan puts two juicy-looking pieces of meat on the grill.

I stand right next to him, smiling up at him. “Let me know if I can help you with anything.”

He touches the small of my back for a moment. “Your company is all I need. I’m glad I agreed to this. You’re not what I expected.”

“What did you expect?”

“I don’t know. Not this! I didn’t expect to like you and to be attracted to you. I hope you don’t mind my being forward with you. I’m like that. I say it like it is.”

“I like you, too.” It’s true, I do, but I’m still not feeling that spark. Maybe it’s something that could develop. I hope so.



The male wraps his arms around Jen and hugs her tightly. It’s too close and lasts too damned long for my liking.

I am in charge of the human’s wellbeing. Of her safety. I start to step forward, getting ready to say something, when they pull away from each other. Jen is first, and Logan does so with reluctance.

“I’ve had such a good time,” he says. The male takes her hand as he speaks.

I would gag but hold it back. Holy fuck, but this is irritating to witness. This male is a huge fucking sap.