I clutch my chest as I turn. “Holy moly, but you shifters sure know how to sneak up on a person. How did I do what?” I swirl the pan as the sugar starts to melt, placing it back on the heat and turning back to Natalia.
She sighs softly in a defeated fashion. “How did you get Steel to fall in love with you?”
I laugh. “It’s not like that. I mean, we get along really well. We’re attracted to one another, but…nah…he’s not in love with me.” I snort like the idea is absurd.
“You are delusional, human.” Natalia smiles at me. “He’s completely head over heels in love with you. Like out of his mind in love, and I really didn’t think it was possible. I thought he had a block of ice for a heart when it came to love.”
Funny, I thought so, too, when I first met him. Actually, I thought he had a block of ice for a heart full stop.
“Do you know that every single female who works here is in love with him? Females on Mistveil are outnumbered by males. We can pick and choose who we want. And we all want Steel…every last one of us, but he’s been completely indifferent. Cold as freaking ice…until you came along. How did you do it? What magic power do you have?”
“I don’t have a magic power.” I shake my head.
“I hope you’re worth it.” Her eyes narrow on mine. “Steel is putting his life on the line for you. He may very well die out there.”
“I didn’t ask him to go. I tried to stop him.” My heart is pounding. “For the record, I’m in love with him too,” I blurt.
Oh shit! Did I just say that out loud?
She holds my gaze for a few moments longer, and her whole demeanor changes. Her shoulders relax. Her eyes soften. “Good. You’d better not break his heart, or you’ll have to answer to me.” Her throat works.
I nod.
“Your caramel is burning,” Natalia tells me, a wry smile growing on her face.
I turn, and my caramel is indeed burning. Smoke starts to billow from the pan. “Shit!”
I grab a dishcloth and take the pan off the heat.
There is a knock at the door, and Roscoe enters without waiting for a response. “Is Steel still here?”
“No,” Natalia and I say in unison.
“Crap! I was hoping to catch him.” He looks worried. There are frown lines marring his forehead.
“What’s up?” Natalia asks, looking concerned, too.
“I have a couple of inside sources at the palace. I’m told that a Draiger and a Red female were caught using the tunnel. They were brought in for questioning. It’s serious.”
“Tunnel?” I ask, walking over to him. “What tunnel would that be?”
“There’s an underground tunnel between Mistveil and Draig Islands,” Roscoe says.
“Wait a minute,” Natalia narrows her eyes in thought, “I thought that they stopped excavations when Arctic took over as king.”
“Apparently, someone completed work on the tunnel.”
“Noooooo,” Natalia says, eyes wide. “That’s completely illegal.”
“Yep. Anyway, they have a Draiger in custody. Looks like Draig is planning a raid on Mistveil. That’s beside the point. I wanted to give Steel a heads-up. There’s a lot of focus on interrogating the Draiger and the Red female right now. It could make it easier for him to get in unnoticed.”
“It could also be more difficult,” Natalia says. “Especially for him to get to Arctic. There might be more of a presence after the discovery of the completion of that tunnel.” She whistles low. “That’s a big deal.”
My stomach churns. I’m not sure how I’m going to make it through the next few hours.
Natalia must see something in my face. Maybe I’ve gone pale. Maybe I look like I might just pass out at any second. I feel like it.
“You should sit, Jen,” she tells me, taking my arm. “I’ll make the popcorn. It’s going to be alright. If anyone can do this, it’s Steel.”