My dragon chimes in, but I ignore the bastard. I’m going to somehow get Jen home where she belongs, and then I’m going to take care of her financial worries until she doesn’t need me anymore. Make no mistake, I know that day will come sooner rather than later. Just like I know she’ll insist on paying me back every red cent. For now, someone needs to take care of this woman, since she’s always so busy taking care of everyone else. And I’m going to be the one to do it, whether she likes it or not.
Her eyes track my length; they narrow on my hand and on what I’m holding. She sits up, leaning on her elbows. “Is that a box of condoms?”
I nod. “Roscoe saw how out of my head with worry I was over you when we got here after the attempted abduction, and he figured something was going on between us. He added condoms to the list of items we would need from the store, and right now, I could kiss him on the lips.”
“Me, too.” Jen grins.
“Don’t you dare.” I kneel on the bed, still drinking her in, committing the vision of her naked body to memory.
“Jealous?” Her smile widens.
“Fuck yes. I don’t share.”
“Neither do I.”
“Good.” I lick my lips. “Where to start.” I let my eyes roam her perfect body. I clasp her knee, wanting to touch her everywhere.
“Start with the main event. I want you inside me…now.”
“You’d better believe it. It looks like there are a lot of condoms in that box.” She bobs her eyebrows. “We don’t have much time.” Her eyes cloud over for a moment.
I swallow hard. She’s right. I hate it, but it’s true. We can’t stay holed up indefinitely. I need to do something to fix thissituation, but it can wait just a little while longer. A couple of hours won’t hurt anything.
Right now, it’s all about us…about this.
“Your wish is my command.” I open the box and take out a silver foil. I bite open the end and take out the condom, carefully sheathing my cock in one slide of the hand.
I cover her with my body; her legs go around my waist like they belong there. I find her clit between her folds and rub on it ever so gently. She’s drenched, but I want her primed for me.
Jen cries out, arching her back, rocking into my touch.
“Steel,” she whispers, her voice throaty with desire. “Feels good.”
I kiss her, still rubbing on her tight nub, which seems to swell beneath my finger. I let my finger slip and slide over her flesh until she’s panting and arching. Using two fingers, I thrust inside her welcoming flesh. Jen gasps, groaning my name.
She’s so fucking wet.
I finger-fuck her for a few seconds and then coat my cock with her juices. After rubbing on her clit a few more times, just to be sure, I position myself over her, pulling her legs up my body.
She’s already gasping for air. Her blue eyes are on mine. They’re hazy with desire. I’m sure I look just as lost in the moment as she does. I sure feel it.
I bite back a vicious snarl as my tip breaches Jen’s tight pussy. Tight is an understatement. It’s like being squeezed in a velvet sheath. Hot and wet and so fucking good. I groan deeply as I work my way into her…slowly…slowly. Our eyes stay locked on one another.
Her mouth parts as she drags in ragged breaths. “Steel,” she whispers my name. “Yes…you feel good.” Her eyes are wide and on mine. It feels intimate. It feels like a lot. Like everything. Her hands grip my shoulders, her nails biting into me. Using slow,gentle thrusts, I go deeper and deeper still, taking my time while she stretches to accommodate me. Jen whimpers.
It feels so fucking good that my head is spinning. There’s something about her that makes me feel lighter and brighter. I can smile again. I can feel something other than shame and rage and guilt. Instead, she makes me feel free…happy. I want to lose myself in her and not just for one day.
I thrust into her slowly. I want this to last. She whimpers and bites on her plump lower lip.
“So beautiful,” I manage to push out. My words are barely intelligible. “So perfect.” It takes a few sweet minutes before I bottom out. I snarl as my balls hit.
We both groan as I move in and out of her a few times more, going all the way in and all the way out. I go slowly. Carefully. I can hardly move inside her tightness. Hardly breathe. Once my dick is good and coated in her juices, I grab her and flip us over.
“I want to watch you,” I tell her, gripping her hips.