That I want to leave? That I’m jealous? That if that stupid Natalia touches him one more time, I might throw the bottle of champagne at her?
Of course, I don’t say any of that. I smile instead.
Roscoe pops the champagne; some of the liquid bubbles out, spilling onto the floor.
Natalia squeals and then laughs. It’s throaty and sexy. I decide right then that I hate her.
No, I don’t!It’s not her fault she’s beautiful and that she and Steel have a history.
Roscoe pours two glasses, handing one to Natalia and then another to me. “Come and sit next to me, Jen. What is it like living on the Mainland? Tell me everything.” He leads me to the other side of the table, gesturing for me to sit beside him.
Steel and Natalia are in what looks like a heated conversation. Their heads are bowed together, and they’re talking fast. Then she laughs.
“The Mainland,” Roscoe repeats. “What is it like?”
Crap! I haven’t answered him.
“Oh…um…yes.” I sound lame.
Then I down half the flute as Natalia leans in and whispers something into Steel’s ear. He smiles. It’s no easy feat getting Steel to smile. I wonder what she said.
Oh, shit!
Roscoe is still waiting for me to say something else. “What do you want to know?”
Steel says something to Natalia. She leans in closer. She laughs, throwing her head back.
What could be so funny?
“I have heard that it is big. Much bigger than our islands. That there are many humans. Millions of you.”
“Yes, that’s right.” I nod. “There are lots of humans. We live in great cities with skyscrapers. I mean, there are also smaller towns and rural areas.” I sound like an idiot. I’m going to put the poor guy to sleep soon. I can’t think of anything interesting to say. Not a single thing.
Unlike Natalia, who laughs yet again, rolling her eyes at something Steel says.
I drink down the other half of my flute. This is going to be a long night.
“Thirsty?” Roscoe asks, quirking a brow.
I smile. “I guess so.”
“Can I pour you another glass?” he asks.
“Yes, please.”
The ice chinks together as he pulls the bottle from the ice bucket, then he tops up my glass almost to the brim.
I thank Roscoe when he hands it to me. I vow to sip this one slowly, but only up until Steel sits across from us and Natalia sits right next to him, and as close as she can get. It looks like she has a hand on his thigh.
Jen giggles. She sways just a little in her chair, giving away how tipsy she is getting. “Yes, I would loooove another glass of bubbles. Bubbles are my new faaaaaaaavorite thing.” She claps her hands together; her eyes look glassy. A little too bright for my liking.
Jen may not realize it, but she’s had six glasses of champagne already. She isn’t a drinker. I know because she’s said it herself and more than once. I also know because I can see it with my own two eyes.
“We’ll order another bottle.” Roscoe winks at Jen, who giggles some more. This would be the third bottle of the night.