Page 76 of Red Captive

This is way more than the general usually has. We walk between them.

“What is it?” I whisper. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” Steel says. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Probably another clause. Or maybe one of the candidates has dropped out.”

“No one has dropped out.” Steel gives me a look that has a shiver running through me. “You can trust me on that one.”

No one tries to stop us; they all just stand there lining the hallway like statues. The door to the apartment is open. Someone is waiting inside for us.

I walk into the apartment, and the general is sitting on the sofa. He stands as we enter. I frown as soon as I see him. I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something different about him today. He looks the same as he always does, yet…not, which is weird. He looks just as serious, only nicer, somehow.

Steel bows his head. “Your Royal Highness.” He looks him in the eye. “It is good to see you again.” He does that sort of smile thing I’ve seen him do a few times. Up until now, he has always been tense around the general. This is different. Even the air feels different. What is going on?

Steel steps forward. “This is the Crown Prince Frost, Miss Harris. He is heir to the throne and General Ice’s twin brother.”

Oh, crap!

Okay, well, that would explain it. He isn’t Ice. He’s Ice’s twin.

“Good morning. It’s nice to meet you.” I curtsey. At least, I hope it’s along the lines of a curtsey.

“No need for that, Miss Harris. The king asked me to check in. He wanted me to establish how things were progressing.”

“That’s really nice of him,” I say, sounding like an idiot.

“Arctic feels he should have taken a greater role when you first arrived on our island under such strange circumstances. Ice insists that you can’t remember a single thing about how you got here.” He narrows his eyes on me. “He said you woke up on the beach with a terrible headache.” He lifts a brow.

I don’t say anything. Amnesia is an almost impossible pill to swallow. This is real life, not some 1990s soap opera.

I shrug. I really don’t have anything to offer that wouldn’t be another outright lie. Thankfully, he drops it and doesn’t press me further on the matter.

“I’ll get to the point; how are you doing, Miss Harris?”

“I’m fine. I’m not sure what it is that the king would like to know exactly. I’m on track with meeting the candidates. It’s going well.”

“Have any stood out so far?”

“One or two candidates, but it’s hard to tell. It’s impossible to get to know someone in just a few hours.”

“You’re right. Do we need to increase the number of visits? Perhaps you can make a shortlist and have you meet with those individuals several times before committing.” Frost doesn’t wait for my reply. “Just so you know, we can also increase the number of candidates. So far, Ice has hand-picked the males himself. Perhaps no one feels right, in which case I will ask him to expand the search.”

More meetings.

Expand the search.

I instantly panic. I don’t want this to drag on. The chances of me falling head over heels in love with one of the candidates are little to none, no matter how many of them I meet. No matter how many meetings I have with each one.

Finding love will be tricky, if not impossible.

My brain instantly lands on Steel, and I shove the thought aside because what the heck!? No! I slept with him once. It was just sex. He’s not in the running. Never will be.

“That won’t be necessary, but please thank the king for his concern. I appreciate it,” I say.

“You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” I nod.