“I think Miss Harris can manage from here,” the PA says. Wow! She’s bitchy. She doesn’t like Steel one bit; that much is crystal clear.
“I’ll be okay.” I smooth my shirt again, square my shoulders, and head over to the closed door. Then I knock.
“Come in,” the general says.
I glance back at Steel, who is still standing. He’s wearing black jeans and a black shirt that pulls tight across his shoulders. He nods once, his jaw tensing.
I’m trying really hard not to notice how freaking gorgeous he is because this really isn’t the time. Instead, I turn and go inside.
“Close the door, Miss Harris.” I’m not sure why I’m surprised that the lieutenant is here.
I nod and do as he tells me.
“Please take a seat.” The general gestures to a chair. He has sofas set up like a living room in one corner. They’re tan leather with hard angles, fitting in with an office look. “I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.”
Why are they being so nice? I don’t like it. On the other side of the room is a huge mahogany desk. It’s completely clear of clutter.
“Would you like tea, coffee, something else?” the lieutenant asks me.
“A juice or a water, perhaps?” the general offers.
I sit on one of the sofas. It’s actually softer than it looks. I shake my head. “No, thanks, I’m fine. I would prefer to launch into our meeting. There are a couple of things that—”
“We need to apologize right off the bat. I…” The general touches a hand to his chest. “I need to apologize, Miss Harris. What happened yesterday was completely out of order. It should never have happened.”
“I’m not a prostitute. I told you that from the start. All I wanted was to go home. That was it…simple, but you wouldn’t let me. You made me stay; you told me that I was safe, that I could choose who I wanted to marry.”
“And all of that is true, I assure you, Miss Harris. What happened yesterday was appalling, but there was ultimately no harm done,” the general says, smiling like everything is okay.
It isn’t!
“No harm done?” I snort. “I was almost raped. That asshole Huntington was trying to claw my clothes off. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. If Steel hadn’t arrived when he did, he would have succeeded. I’m no match for one of your shifter males.”
“You said it,” the general says. “Steel arrived just in time to save the day. It all worked out.”
“It all worked out? Are you serious?” I shake my head, sounding flabbergasted. “I felt violated. I was made to feel cheap. I was made to feel worthless and small. I’ve told you time and time again that I want to go home. I don’t want this…any of this.” My mind goes straight to Steel when I think of leaving. Why? Surely, I wouldn’t actually miss him? I mean…surely? He’sbeen nothing but surly and brooding. Yet, here I am, feeling sad about leaving. It doesn’t matter. The thought of going home to Caleb and my mom makes me smile inside. It lights me up. There’s a small part of me that wishes I could bring them here. Caleb would love it. My mom might feel better in a different environment. At least I would know for sure that they were taken care of. They could still get the money. It could work really well.
“Again, Miss Harris, I’m so sorry. I’m deeply ashamed about what happened. I never expected that to happen. From now on, Steel will be your shadow. He won’t leave your side. You will be protected at all times.” The general looks at me with concern in his eyes. Pity I don’t buy it for one second. What are these two up to?
“And Huntington is out of the running?” I lift my brows.
“Won’t you give him another chance?” the lieutenant asks. “He wants to apologize for the misunderstanding.”
“There was no misunderstanding. I was very clear about not wanting sex. I didn’t even want him to kiss me, for that matter. I was clear! He wouldn’t accept no for an answer.”
“He’s used to getting what he wants. He thought you would come around,” the general says. “But I can see how wrong that is. How that must have hurt you.”
“Yes, it’s wrong. If I never see him again, it will be too soon. I willnotpick him. It’llneverhappen. There is no point in leaving him in the running because he isn’t…not to me. I wouldn’t pick him if he was the last man on earth.”
“Okay…no problem, the duke is out,” the lieutenant says.
“I want at least a year after getting married before I become pregnant. I think it’s important that I get to know my husband and vice versa. Please let the candidates know. Count Augustine spoke of five or six children. That’s too many.” I shake my head.
“It is normal for shifter females to have that many—” the general starts saying.
“I’m not a shifter female. I’ll agree to two, maximum. That’s it! And I have one other request. If you grant this, I swear I won’t try to run. I won’t try anything. I will cooperate and work hard to be happy and make a life here. I swear!”
“You should be doing that already, Miss Harris.”