“Miss Harris needs a word with you,” I tell the general as he turns. “There are a couple of things we need to iron out.”
“We’ll talk, alright,” he snaps back, talking under his breath. Then he goes out into the hallway, closing the door.
I’ve gone back to being the plague again.
Actually, that isn’t true. Steel isn’t being rude or looking at me with disdain, but he is giving me the silent treatment.
I thought we…I don’t know…shared a moment. That we could possibly be friends after what happened.
Then again, he was just doing his job. He kissed me on the top of my head – at least I think he did; I’m starting to second-guess that – and he helped dress me. He held me – although I did beg him to.
He stood up for me, he saved me, he protected me. He…was just doing his job. I need to get over it already.
I smooth my shirt. My mouth feels dry.
“How much longer?” Steel asks. He doesn’t sound too happy. In other words, he’s being himself through and through. Maybe it isn’t just me.
The general’s personal assistant stops typing. She gives Steel a hard stare. “The general will let us know when he is ready to see you.”
“We were on time. Ten o’clock as ordered. It is now half past ten.” Steel looks at the clock on the wall.
“General Ice is a busy male. He is doing his best to make Mistveil a better place.”
Steel makes this breathy snorting noise that sounds like it could be the start of a laugh.
“What was that, Steel?” she asks, looking at him down her nose.
“Nothing. I was just agreeing with you. He is wonderful. So selfless.”
I hold back a similar snort because Ice is one of the biggest assholes who ever walked the planet. The more I get to know him, the more I dislike him and the less I trust him.
The PA quirks a brow, pulling in a breath to say something, but her desk phone rings. She sighs, answering. “Your Highness.” She makes a noise like she’s listening and even nods once. “Of course.” She murmurs another affirmation. “Right away, Your Highness.” She puts the phone down.
“You may go and see the general now, Miss Harris.”
Steel jumps to his feet.
“Just Miss Harris.” The PA smiles. “You must wait here, Steel. The general assured me that he won’t keep her for too long.”
“Why should I stay here? I need to be in there.” He points at the door. “I need to be a part of this meeting. Miss Harris is in my care.”
“Your directives have not changed. You, therefore, do not need to be in that room. Certain aspects of Miss Harris’s agreement with the general will be discussed and ironed out, but that is between the general and Miss Harris. Your involvement is not needed.”
Steel turns to me. “Are you okay going in there alone?”
I nod. The general might be an asshole in the first degree, but he isn’t going to hurt me in any way. “I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t let him walk all over you.” His eyes are narrowed. “Shout if you need me.”
Just like that, protective Steel is back. I know he’s doing his job. That he doesn’t really care about me, but it is a little hot and cold. It amazes me how he can go from barely looking at me or talking to me to this… He’s bristling. Completely on edge, and because…he’s worried about me…maybe…who knows?
I realize that he’s waiting for an answer and say, “I will, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Lay it out for him. No more meeting the candidates without me present. No more—”