Page 20 of Red Captive

“In the meantime, I was expected to play guessing games. All the while knowing that my family’s money was running out. I’ve changed my mind. Let me go home…please.” My voice has a pleading edge I don’t like.

“You would leave with nothing. Your mother only has three hundred dollars left in the bank.”

I sob, putting a hand in front of my mouth, blinking hard to stop the tears. I knew there wouldn’t be much left, but three hundred bucks is nothing.

“That’s not even enough to cover the rent due at the end of the month, which is in a few short days from now. It certainly isn’t enough to put food on the table. We won’t talk about the cost of your mother’s astronomical medical care. I feel sorry for you, Miss Harris. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders. All of your troubles can disappear just like that…” He clicks his fingers.

I lick my lips, trying hard to remain impassive when my mind is running at a mile a minute. “All the more reason for me to get home so that I can—”

“So that you can do what, exactly? So that you can take a job that pays minimum wage, perhaps? Even if you found two jobs, it wouldn’t be enough to cover your expenses. It won’t work. You know it, and I know it.”

I press my lips together to prevent them from wobbling. He’s right. I hate it, but he’s right on the money. I’m screwed. My family needs me. I don’t have much of a choice at all.

“You don’t have a job to go back to. They replaced you the day after you left. You have no special qualifications. You need me just as much as I need you. We can help each other, Miss Harris.”

I hate this.

“Ten million in my mother’s account or—”

“Not so fast, Miss Harris. You lost the right to negotiate when you went against our deal. When you disobeyed me.” He wags his finger at me.


“What did you expect? It was taking too long. I knew my family wouldn’t cope for much longer, and it turned out it was worse than I ever could have imagined.” I swipe a lone tear offmy cheek, anger bubbling up inside me. “Did you expect me to just wait around endlessly?”

I don’t want to be married off to someone I don’t love. I haven’t had much time for dating, but that didn’t stop me from dreaming of a wedding, of being with someone I love, being with someone who loves me back. I dreamed of having children, even though it terrifies me. What if I am like my mom? What if the same thing happens to me? Still, the thought of little feet, milky breath, and chubby cheeks makes me smile inside. It’s confusing wanting something and being terrified of it, all at the same time.

All I know is that this was not supposed to be my fate. What choice do I have? I groan inside, my chest tightening with hurt and frustration.

“Are you listening, Miss Harris? Because I would listen if I were you. This is your last chance. This is it. I was ready to throw you in jail. To throw away the damned key, but Lieutenant Jakes changed my mind. I will send your family five million on the day you say, ‘I do’.”

“BeforeI say, ‘I do’, the money needs to be in the bank. I want proof, and it’stenmillion.”

“It went down to five when you attempted to escape. If you try that again, there will be no money for your family, but you will be married off, regardless; trust me on that, little missy.” His voice is gruff, and his blue eyes are icy cold. So much so that they give me the creeps. “When you have a healthy baby, I will add another two million. If it’s a girl, I’ll make it three. There isnonegotiation.”

“Like I have a say regarding gender,” I mumble, more to myself. Any semblance of control in this situation is slipping fast. “As long as I don’t have to get pregnant right away. I need some time to get to know my new husband…at least a year.” I’m too young to be a mom.

He shrugs. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Do you accept the new terms? I would say that I am being generous, given the circumstances. I don’t have to give you anything.” He narrows his eyes. “I’m being rather nice. We’ll expedite the whole thing. You will be mated in a matter of weeks, and until then, your mother has her credit card. There isn’t much on it, so we need to move fast at this point.”

I hold back another sob. “You won’t leave me in the dark like you did before?”

“No, I’m sorry that happened. You will be informed every step of the way.”

“Do you swear that my mother will get the five million?” I ask in a small voice.

“I swear it.” He nods, looking solemn. “Do you agree to the mating?”

I nod. “Yes,” I whisper. “What will happen if I don’t like the candidate? What if we don’t get along at all?” It’s been another big fear of mine.

“You will be happy to know that I’ve arranged for you to meet twelve males. You will meet them over the next two weeks, and then you will be expected to choose between them.”




It’s suddenly very real. I don’t want to do this. I have to. I wish I didn’t have to. My heart thumps. It’s what I’ve been waiting for. Now that it’s here, I’m panicking.