My opponent lumbers to his feet. He looks slightly dazed. He shakes his head a few times, staggering. It doesn’t take long for his vision to clear and to zone in on me.
“Finish him! Finish him!” the crowd screams.
A hush falls over the crowd in the next instant, and the sound of boots on concrete fills the space.
“Open this cage!” a male yells.
“Do it now!” another growls.
I turn to the commotion and frown when I see a whole host of the king’s guard outside the cage door. Their black masks reveal nothing. What do they want? Why are they here? It can’t be for me. I left that life a long time ago.
That’s when he hits me. My attention is momentarily diverted. I should have known better. Should have kept my focus. I receive a crushing blow to the back of my head that sends me sprawling to the ground. The world spins as I try to regain my footing. Instead, I’m met with a kick to my side, leaving me gasping for air. Another kick to my head must render meunconscious because I wake up on a plush carpet. The scent of lemon wood varnish hangs in the air.
Where the fuck am I?
I sit up, realizing that I am in the general’s office. I’ve been here countless times. I’d recognize the mahogany furniture from any angle.
“Why am I here?” I snarl. “My fight!” I growl. “I have to get back.” I stand, feeling a wave of dizziness come over me. Thankfully, it quickly passes.
“Sit your ass down,” General Ice says in an even voice. “The fight is over. You lost!”
“I didn’t lose. Fuck!” I push out, scrubbing a hand over my face, feeling congealed blood on my chin.
“It’s done. You were knocked unconscious,” he adds, unnecessarily since I was there, and it all comes back to me in a rush of anger and pure frustration.
I feel my blood boil. “Your males distracted me.” I mutter another cuss under my breath. It was my own fault I was distracted. I should never have allowed it to happen. “You just cost me a lot of money, General. This had better be good. What do you want?” My mind is both reeling and thinking of ways to convince my landlord to let me stay without paying rent. How soon can I fight again? Roscoe will be pissed. I might not get another chance for a while. I lost him money. Lots of it. He’s going to make me suffer for a while. I know him. I know him well. Fuck! I’m royally screwed. I don’t want to go back to living on the streets.
“Are you listening to me?” the general snarls.
I’m racking my brain, trying to figure out why he would want to see me, but I’m coming up short at every turn. I suppose I’d better listen to him.
“I am now,” I mutter, folding my arms and narrowing my eyes.
“I have a proposition for you,” he says.
“Not interested.” I turn and start walking to the door.
“Wait!” he says. “Hear me out first. You’re going to want to hear this, Steel.”
“Doubtful,” I tell him, still walking, my hand reaching for the door handle.
“Do you want back in? I can get you in.”
I freeze, turning.
His wide grin greets me. My first thought is to punch it off his face.
I guess I shouldn’t be angry with him sinceI’mthe reason my career went to shit. There is no one else to blame. I trusted the wrong person. It’s all on me, every last thing. I can’t blame the general, even though I want to. I can’t. Ice helped me when everyone was against me. He stood with me. I’ve never liked him much, but I can give him that.
“I’m listening.” I sigh.
“I knew that would get your attention.” He pulls in a deep breath, wiping the smile from his face. “The island needs you,” he says simply.