Page 11 of Red Captive

“I would expect nothing less.” He laughs.

“Try not to take too long.” Tara looks at the clock. “Or we’ll end up running behind.”

“Why don’t you go outside to help with the loading of the trucks, and I’ll get started on the sticky buns,” I tell Rex, who gives me a look.

The look quickly morphs back into a grin. “You know the rules, Jen.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I shake my head. “I think I would be perfectly fine here with Tara and the others.” I roll my eyes.

“I’m sure you’re right, but I have to follow orders.” He says, giving me an apologetic look.

“Okay.” I wipe my hands on a dishcloth. “We won’t be long,” I tell Tara, who nods.

“You can start on those buns as soon as you get back,” she yells after me.

“No problem,” I say over my shoulder as we walk toward the door that leads to the back courtyard. Rex goes ahead of me, making sure that the path is safe and clear. I want to roll my eyes all over again, but I don’t since he is just doing his job.

I have a guard following me everywhere. They camp outside my room at night. I can’t do anything without being watched. Even though they’re all really nice, it grates on me. They change out every eight hours. All in all, there are six of them who take turns watching over me. Everyone thinks it’s for my protection, but I know better. It’s to make sure I don’t attempt an escape. Apparently, they report back to Lieutenant Jakes in a weekly debriefing. I’m sure he checks to make sure I haven’t told them anything…namely, that I’m here pretty much against my will.There are rumors going around about what they plan to do with me. The one that seems to have taken root is that I’m going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. I hope it isn’t true. I wish they would speak to me already.


“Are you sleeping any better?” he asks me once we are outside. “Any more of those…um…episodes?” The sun is already hot. It’s a humid heat that has sweat beads forming on my brow in an instant.

By episodes, he means nightmares. He’s sweet to play it down.

“I’m doing much better, thanks,” I lie. I’m not. I get nightmares about the abduction almost every night. It’s stupid since nothing terrible happened to me. I wake up with the feeling of a hand clamped over my mouth. For a few moments, I can’t move. I’m being held down. I’m gagged.

I’ve woken up screaming once or twice. Once during Rex’s shift. I nearly scared him half to death. Now, he asks me regularly how I’m doing. As always, I have to lie. I can’t tell him I was kidnapped. I have to lie about how I came to Mistveil.

I’m doing fine.

I’m sleeping fine.

I’m happy to be here.

“That’s good, Jen. Is that a new apron?” he asks, giving me the once over. “Green suits you.”

I laugh. “No, not at all, but thanks, anyway.”

“You still look really nice.” His face goes pink.

Hardly. I’m wearing pants that are too big for me and a shirt that could double as a small dress. Shifter women are taller than humans, but this is the uniform, and so I’m in it. Since my days working in the palace kitchens are numbered, they aren’t going to tailor a uniform especially for me. There is no point. Although, I’ve been here longer than I thought I would be. Far longer!

Point being, I don’t look nice, even though Rex always tells me that I do. He’s super sweet.

“Thank you, Rex,” I say anyway. We turn the corner to the loading bay just as a truck pulls away with a rumble.

Three men are loading big crates onto another waiting truck.

My mouth falls open at how strong these guys are. I’m shocked every time I see them do something beyond mere human capabilities.

Rex joins them. One of the shifters turns and waves at me. I wave back.

I watch in awe as the men effortlessly lift the huge crates, stacking them neatly onto the back of the truck. They barely break a sweat as they work. Another one of the men catches my eye and winks. All the attention freaks me out. You would think I’d be used to it by now.

I’m not.

I give a quick smile, not wanting to encourage him or any of the others. I feel for these people. There are not enough women for the men. The ratio is completely out. It’s strange for me to get so much attention all the time. It’s not that I didn’t attract men back at home, but not like this. I lean against one of the crates and yawn. Yep, I’m definitely not sleeping all that well. Who can blame me? My life is a freaking toilet.