“I missed you, too,” he finally said when our lips parted. “You been good?”
“I was okay until a little while ago.”
He frowned. “What happened.”
I motioned for him to sit up and then did the same.
“So I went to the mall, as you can see. There I was minding my own fucking business when that man that approached you the other week came up to me.”
His frowned deepened. “Mirron?”
“Yes. He started talking about you having properties that the city wants and how I need to convince you to sell it. We went back and forth for a minute about it and then he called me a bitch?—”
Deuce shot up from the bed. “I’m gon’ murk that muthafucka.”
He started for the door, but I stopped him.
“Nah. I don’t wanna hear nothing. You think I’m gonna let him get away with disrespecting you after I already told his ass not to speak to you? Fuck that. That nigga was already on my bad side for having the feds called to my establishment.”
“Wait, what? When did that happen?”
“A few nights ago. They tore my shit up, claiming they got an anonymous tip that illegal activity was going down. That was some bullshit. That reminds me I need to pay that judge a little visit.”
“Stanley, you can’t kill a judge,” I whispered.
“The fuck if I can’t.”
I could tell he was livid, and I didn’t want him doing anything crazy in the heat of the moment. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.
“Please don’t go out there being reckless. We just made things official. Let me enjoy being your woman for a little while before you go full throttle crazy. At least give me some dick first.”
He chuckled. “You hell.” Peering down at me, he cupped my chin and pressed his lips to mine. “For your sake, I’ll hold off on the judge until I get what I need from him. But Mirron… that nigga is as good as dead.”
I sighed. “Okay.”
I couldn’t believe I was compromising with this man about murking somebody. Who the hell was I?
“I have a surprise for you,” he said, breaking me from my thoughts.
I reached between us and grabbed his dick. “Is this the surprise?”
“No, woman. You can have that too, but not right now. I need you to come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
I grabbed my purse and followed him back out front. We said goodbye to my mama and headed outside to his car.
“When are you gonna let me push the Hellcat?” I asked, running my fingers along the wing.
He laughed out loud. “Never. This bitch ain’t meant for you, baby. You aren’t about to wreck my shit.”
I rolled my eyes as he opened the passenger door. “Whatever.”
He slapped my ass as I climbed in. Once I was settled, he closed the door and came around to get in the driver’s side. He started the car, and the engine roared. Before he pulled off, he reached into his armrest and pulled out a blindfold.