“I’m not mad at that. Shit, my first time with Maceo damn near put me in a coma. I had to call outta work two days in a row.”
“Huh uh! That’s too much! What kind of demon time was he on!”
“The type that had me on my knees ready for more. So, are you having Sunday dinner with the family? Maceo left a little while ago to head that way.”
“I don’t know, girl. He hasn’t mentioned anything about dinner. I don’t know if I’m ready to meet the rest of the family just yet. His mom is the sweetest, but Deuce is a lot to digest. What if they are all like him?”
“Then you know what you’re dealing with. You made it to the house, and you’ve met his mother. Mace said no woman ever makes it that far with him. He seems to like you.”
“I mean… I like him, Shar. But he ain’t wrapped too tight.”
“I thought we established that.”
I jumped as I heard Deuce’s voice. Sitting up, I saw him standing in the doorway dressed in. Nothing but his basketball shorts. Sweat glistened on his smooth skin, making me lick my lips. It brought me right back to last night and the way we were both sweating heavily as he took me on every surface of his bedroom.
He walked over and took a seat beside me on the bed.
“Hey, Sharina,” he said, looking into the camera.
“When you see Mace with a fat ass lip, just know I popped him in his shit for all that pillow talking he’s been doing with you.”
Shar giggled. “Leave my boo alone. He didn’t say anything bad. Besides, why can’t he tell me you like my friend? You ashamed of that?”
“Hell no. I ain’t ashamed of shit. Salima knows what’s up. Now, if y’all are done gossiping about me, Ima need my woman back. Say bye, Salima.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ll holla at you later, Shar.”
“Mmm hmm. Bye, girl.”
I disconnected the call and tossed the phone on the bed. When my eyes landed on Deuce, he was staring at my nipples. When I snapped my fingers at him, he looked up at me with a smirk.
“They were looking at me first.”
“Whatever. When did I agree to be your woman, Stanley?”
“The moment you let me taste your pussy. You thought I was about to let another nigga have you after that? You wanted to be responsible for me sending him to his mama in a body bag?”
“Please. You don’t know me to kill a man over me.”
He cupped my chin and looked deep into my eyes.
“Make no mistake, I’d never let any harm come to you. Anybody that fucks with you can get it.” He pecked my lips. “Come eat.”
Standing from the bed, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. We left the bedroom, then headed down the hall and into the kitchen. His home was huge and beautiful. It was everything I expected of him. There were absolutely no traces of a woman being here. It was a complete bachelor pad.
I caught a glimpse of the family compound when we drove in, and it was immaculate. The main road led to a huge house with a big circular driveway that was all lit up. You would havethought it was the damn White House. He told me that was “The Big House” where the family functions and meetings took place.
There was enough space in between the properties to give privacy but still be close to family. It literally looked like a subdivision. I thought it was beautiful that they all lived together on their own land. Their closeness was admirable.
When we stepped into the kitchen, the smell of something heavenly hit me. I was met with a spread of cheese grits, Rogerwood sausages, country potatoes, eggs, and biscuits.
“You cooked this?” I asked.
He laughed. “I don’t look like I can cook? Stephanie ain’t play that. She told me I wasn’t gonna be a half ass man my whole life. She made sure I could cook and knew how to take care of myself without her.”
“Can I just say I love your mama?” I said as I began fixing my plate.