I waved her off. “I’m just horny and my self-control is horrible right now.”
“The take the dick already, shit.”
She picked up her phone and started tapping away on it. A sly smile spread across her face.
“Who are you texting?” I asked.
“Wait, when did y’all exchange numbers?”
“Girl, he got it from his sister. I’m not mad at it, though. I love a man who knows what he wants. Besides, you and Deuce are taking too long to get it together. Y’all are terrible wingmen. How are you my bestie, but you won’t help me get my man? Just triflin’, chile.”
“Sharina, shut the fuck up!” I threw a pillow at her.
She laughed as it hit her in the face. “Don’t abuse me cause I’m telling the truth.”
I rolled my eyes. “So, when are you gonna see him?”
“He’s already been here girl. Nigga pulled up on me and ate my pussy til a bitch damn near blacked out. He’s coming over tonight after dinner with his family.”
“You slut.”
“Nah, I’m about to makehima slut. Once I hit him with that‘Why you sitting all the way over there’line,he’s mine. Alexa, play Slut Him Out by baby Tate.”
“Now playing Slut Him Out by Baby Tate.”
Thesong started playing, and she got up and started twerking her ass while she rapped the lyrics. I shook my head as I watched her. That was my bestie, always lit. When she’d had her fun, she reclaimed her seat and threw back her shot.
“I say you should get you a nice hotel room for the night, invite Deuce over, and fuck his brains out.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I’m not doing that. I’m still a little on the fence about him. For now, I can deal with my rose and vibrator getting the job done.”
She shook her head. “You have fun with that. Plastic will never compare to the real thing, boo.”
“Don’t remind me.”
I couldn’t believe I was out here acting like I had morals after letting that man go as far as he had with me. Maybe I was a little scared of the dick. I felt like once I let him have me, both of us were gonna be out of pocket. I may have wanted good dick, but I didn’t need the side of toxicity.
The sound of my phone ringing broke my thoughts. I looked down to see Deuce calling me.
“Speak of the devil,” I mumbled, showing the screen to Shar.
She laughed as I swiped the answer button.
“Yes, sir?”
“Come outside.”
“Whatchu mean come outside?”
“I wanna see you. Bring your pretty ass outside.”
The line went silent. I pulled the phone from my ear and saw that he’d hung up.
“Go on and take your ass outside,” Shar said, giggling and shooing me.