“Who’s there!” Jasper yelled.
Mace and I quietly made our way through the entryway.
“I’ve got a gun!” Jasper yelled.
I laughed as I rounded the corner. “The fuck you think you gon’ do with it?”
His eyes widened as Mace and I made our presence know.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
Maceo raised his gun. “You, muthafucka.”
He tried to run, but Mace shot him in the kneecap. He dropped to the floor, howling in pain. We walked over to him and snatched him up from the floor.
“Please… please, I have money. I can get you anything you want. Just?—”
I brought the butt of my gun down across his face.
“Nigga, shut the fuck up. I don’t give a damn about your money. I’m not the muthafuckas you pay for your little fetish.”
“Wh-what are you t-talking about?”
Mace and I ignored his question. We led him to the kitchen and tossed him onto the table. While my brother held him down, I restrained his arms and legs with rope.
“Why are you doing this!” Jasper yelled.
Maceo punched him in the face. “Shut the fuck up.”
I pulled out the file I had on him.
“Jasper Stark. Businessman by day, lover of little girls by night. You are one sick muthafucka, you know that.” I held the paper with a list of his transactions to his face. “In the last five years, you’ve spent close to a million dollars trafficking underaged girls.”
He began to stutter. “I… I?—”
“You what? You can explain? Explain to me how you get off of fucking little girls against their will. Does your wife know what kind of man you are, Jasper? Do your children know Daddy has a fetish for little girls? You thought you were safe after your pedophile ass friends were murdered at Aura, didn’t you? That’s the thing about secrets, Jasper. What’s done in the dark, will come to the light.”
I placed the paper on his chest and went back over to my bag. Carefully, I removed the viles containing the deadly cocktail.
“You ever seen someone die by lethal injection, Jasper?” I asked. “I think it’s a waste. I mean, why would you want to punish someone by killing them quick? Bastards like you deserve a slowly, painful death.”
I filled the needle with the lethal concoction and shot it into his arm.
“Now it’ll take a minute for it to kick in, but you’ll know when it does.”
Maceo covered his mouth with duct tape as I took a seat in front of him and lit a blunt. His breathing was rapid, and he struggled about on the table. Behind the tape, his muffled pleas went unheard. I picked up my file and plucked a stack of pictures from it.
“You know you fucked up, right?” I asked. “I want you to look at these pictures. These are your victims. Look at their faces and know that this is for them. You and muthafuckas like you should be wiped from the face of the earth. You paid for these girls. You stripped them of their innocence and dignity when you stuck your dirty ass dick in them.”
Maceo raised his gun and shot him in the crotch. Jasper cried and writhed in pain as blood seeped through his pants and onto the table.
Mace chuckled. “I’m sorry, did that hurt?”
I laughed out loud. “Excuse my brother, he’s a little trigger-happy.”
I took a long pull from my blunt before blowing the smoke in Jasper’s face.
“Right about now, you should be feeling the effects on the drugs I injected you with. Your insides are gonna feel like they’re burning. As you lay here thinking about your transgressions, you’re gonna feel immense pain. You see, I injected you with the venom of a taipan, one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Without treatment, you will bleed, you will be paralyzed, you will hemorage, and you will die. The sad part is you will be here all alone. Your poor family will find you and when they do, they will know exactly what you have been up to, Mr. Stark. I doubt there will be much sympathy once they read this file on you.”