Page 46 of Deuce

“I didn’t let him do anything. He just did it and I didn’t stop him.”

“Horny ass. When are you gonna stop playing with that man?”

“I’m not playing with him.”

“Oh, bitch you playing already. Playing and getting played with. It’s okay though. You need some dick in your life. Somebody needs to work out the tension from the last couple of months.”

I rolled my eyes as I picked up my phone. “Whatever.”

“You waiting on him to call?”

“Only because he has my raggedy ass car. I can’t believe Snow embarrassed me like that.”

Shar giggled. “It’s time for a new car, boo.”

“I can’t afford a new car right now. Maybe in a couple of months. I don’t know how long I can stay at this job. That man is gonna drive me crazy. How am I supposed to work efficiently under his watchful, lustful eye?”

“Since when do we let men come between us and our paper?”

I sighed. “You’re right. I’m tripping.”

“And is. Just work like you would if he wasn’t there. You’ll be fine.”

I hoped that she was right. After last night I wasn’t sure how I could look at that man without thinking about the compromising position I let him get me in on the pool table. The way he looked in my eyes as he stroked my pearl was sinful. I fully believed if he could have gotten away with whipping his dick out and fucking me right then, he would have.

I found myself looking him up last night as I laid in bed. The Dillinger Foundation was the first thing that popped up. He wasn’t lying about his family’s philanthropy efforts. There were several new articles detailing their twenty-year Christmas and Thanksgiving tradition. Photos of Deuce and his people at all types of events littered the feed.

Besides the sponsorships, there were articles about his family buying up several blocks. They did food drives, back to school drives, and his grandmother headed a charity that helped single mothers. There was no mention of their illegal dealings, though I didn’t expect there to be. Deuce told me they had power all over the city and it was evident by his affiliations. My heart softened toward him a bit.

“What are you smiling at?” Shar asked.


“You’re over there daydreaming and smiling, bitch.” What’s the tea?”

“No tea. I just did a little follow up on some things Deuce told me last night. Did you know his family was involved in the community?”

“Yeah, girl. Their legal dealings are legit, legit.”

“You had me thinking this man was a menace, Shar!”

“Because he is, Salima. You can be an angel and the devil, babes. That man is not to be fucked with and the whole hood knows that.”

“Then why would you encourage me to get involved with him?”

She shrugged. “Maybe I’m toxic. Every hood nigga I’ve been with treated me like a princess. I mean, the man offered to buy you a car, bitch.”

“I’m sure he was joking.”

“I’m sure he wasn’t. You need to get in good with him so I can sink my claws into that fine ass brother of his.”

I rolled my eyes. “You don’t need me for that.”

“I don’t, but I’m supportive like that.”

I had to laugh at her. She and Maceo would make a cute couple. They seemed like they would mesh well together. He’d actually asked about her last night. Well, he had to lean across his brother to do so because Deuce was adamant about not letting anyone near me, even his family. Just as I opened my mouth to tell her that, my phone range with a number I didn’t recognize.
