I tried once more, but the results didn’t change. My car wouldn’t start. The little 2006 Nissan Altima had been my mother's car, and she gave it to me when I graduated high school. It had seen better years, and now it was on its last leg. Just last month I had to put a new radiator in. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with it this time, but I was over it.
A knock on my window caused me to jump. I looked up to see Deuce standing there. I sighed as I opened the door.
“Why are you just sitting here?” he asked.
“I wouldn’t be sitting if my car would start.”
He took a step back and eyed my car. “I wasn’t gonna say shit, but you definitely need some new wheels, baby.”
“Are you gonna buy me a car? Cause I don’t have money for a car payment right now.”
“I could do that.”
“What? No. Hell no.”
He shrugged. “Get out of the car and let me take you home.”
“I can wait for a tow truck.”
“Salima… get your ass in the car. Nobody is waiting on a tow truck this late. I’ll have somebody come get it in the morning.”
I frowned. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, he put a finger to my lips. I could still smell me on them.
“I’m not about to argue with you. Get. In. The car.”
I huffed as I grabbed my shit, and stuffed it in my work bag. I got out of my car and after I locked it, stormed over to his car to wait. He mumbled something under his breath as he made strides toward me. I heard the clicking of the locks, but still waited. He paused in front of me with a raised eyebrow.
“What?” he asked.
I looked at the door, then back at him. My mom always told me that I should never touch a door handle in the presence of a man. He rolled his eyes and smirked as he took steps toward me.
“Here you go, your highness,” he said sarcastically.
“Chivalry will get you a long way in case you didn’t know that.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes as I climbed into the car. The inside was just as black as the outside. It was fully loaded, decked out with leather seats in a full digital dashboard. The windows were so darkly tinted that I could barely see out of them. How the hell did he see to drive at night? Wasn’t this above the legal limit? This had to have been custom because I knew they didn’t come from the factory like this.
I buckled my seatbelt and sat back as he climbed into the car. He started it up and the rumbling of the pipes caused me to jump. He chuckled as he stepped on the gas and whipped the vehicle out of the parking lot. We drove through the city streets with nothing but the sounds of 2Pac coming through the speakers. I sat quietly in the passenger seat, glancing over at him every so often.
God this man was fine.
His looks would be a plus if it weren’t for that mouth. God, that mouth! If he ate pussy the way he kissed, he would ruin me. My eyes widened at that though. I was tripping. I’d gone far enough in letting him touch me like that. I shouldn’t be thinking about him eating my pussy… stroking my pussy… I just knew he had a long, thick di?—
“Are you talking to yourself?” he asked, interrupting my dirty thoughts.
I hadn’t even realized we pulled out of the parking lot and were on the highway.
“Are you talking to yourself in your head? You over there making faces and shit.”
“You wouldn’t know what I was doing if you weren’t staring at me instead of at the road.”
He chuckled. “You must’ve been a very lonely child. I bet you had all sorts of imaginary friends and shit.”
I scoffed but didn’t say anything because he was right. I had several imaginary friends as a kid, and I used to talk to my Barbies and stuffed animals. My parents couldn’t always entertain me, so I had to find ways to entertain myself. I looked over at him and squinted my eyes.
“Well, not all of us grew up with six kids in the house.”