“Yes. I’ll move in. And I’ll quit the lounge. I was sick of those bitches, anyway.”
“That’s what the fuck I thought.”
He put me in a playful headlock, causing me to squeal.
“Stop! Look how you have me acting in here.”
He kissed his teeth. “I don’t give a damn about these people, and you know that.”
Cupping my chin, he pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled away, he stared deep into my eyes. A smile spread across his face, and it made me smile.
“Thank you,” he said.
“For you… for this baby. For letting a nigga be himself.”
“Even if I want to choke slam you sometimes, I wouldn’t want you to be anybody else, Deucy.”
“You stay running the fuck out.”
I laughed out loud as I leaned into him and rested against his shoulder. He kissed my temple before lacing his fingers through mine. I gently rubbed my belly with my free hand. I couldn’t believe a little life was growing inside of me. I prayed that I could be even a fraction of the mother mine was to this child. I prayed that Deuce could be like my father or his. Mr. Dillinger may have womanizer ways, but one thing was for certain: he loved his children, and they all loved him.
We sat in comfortable silence until my name was called. It was like all of my nerves rushed forward at once. I took a deep breath as Deuce helped me to my feet, and we followed the nurse. After gathering my height, weight, and a urine sample to confirm my pregnancy, she led us to a room to wait for the doctor.
I had to fuss at Deuce because he kept looking through these people’s shit.
“Deuce, stop and sit down!” I said, swatting at him.
“What? I’m just looking, baby.” He pulled out a pair of forceps and held them up. “You think this baby is gonna have a big head? They might have to use this shit to get them out.”
“Put that shit down!”
He grinned as he put it back and came to sit down. No sooner than he sat did the door open and Dr. Ellis walked in. She greeted us with a smile.
“Good morning, Mommy and Daddy!” she said, beaming. “Congratulations. You are indeed pregnant.”
“Thank you. I’m so nervous. This is my first pregnancy.”
“Nerves are normal. This is a big life change. Are you ready to see your little one?”
She grabbed the ultrasound machine and instructed me to lie back and lift my shirt. I got comfortable on the table and did as she asked me. The next thing I felt was the cold jelly being squirted onto my stomach. She grabbed the wand and placed it on the same spot. Immediately, the screen lit up with an image.
“There he or she is! You looked to be around ten weeks.”
She pressed a button, and the most beautiful sound filled the room.
“That’s your baby’s heartbeat. Strong and healthy.”
I felt the tears rushing to my eyes. There was my baby… strong, healthy… here. I was so enthralled with the image on the screen that I didn’t even realize Deuce was next to me until he kissed my temple.
“We really made that,” he said, chuckling. “Yeah, I’m pumping about three or four more in you.”
“Stanley!” I couldn’t help but laugh when he said that, and so did Dr. Ellis.
“Somebody wants a big family,” she said.