Page 97 of Deuce

“Should we find anything?”

“Do you think I’d have my black ass down here if you were gonna find anything, my nigga? No. You are wasting your time and mine. I just wanna know who’s paying to have this shit cleaned up.”

“We need to see a warrant,” Maceo added.

Pearson reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope. I snatched it from him. Pulling out the paper, I saw that it was signed by a legit judge. Edgar Willis. I made a mental note to check into them because this wasn’t someone my family had in their back pocket. Looking up, I crossed my hands again.

“What was the probable cause?” I asked calmly. “An anonymous tip isn’t grounds for a search warrant so this is bullshit. Either the judge was paid off or he was blackmailed cause ain’t no way they would sign off on that shit legitimately. Check my personal and financial records. They’re clean. Check the police logs and tell me how many times they’ve been called here since we opened. Not once. I’m gonna need a record of supporting evidence to ensure this shit is justified.”

Pearson looked nervous. The look on his face reminded me of someone.

“Do I know you?” I asked, squinting.


“Nah… something about you is way too familiar.”

I looked at Maceo, and he mimicked my expression.

“Hell yeah,” he agreed. “I know a bitch ass nigga when I see one.”

“I assure you, we’ve never met.”

“In any case, my lawyer will be in contact with you. He’s gonna need that information I requested.” I stepped closer to him. “Let me make something very clear to you. You aren’t dealing with a dumb ass nigga. I’m on your ass. Whoever’s been in your ear ain’t told you about me, but you’ll find out.”

I lightly slapped the side of his face.

“Lock up when you leave.”

I motioned for Maceo to follow me back out to the car. It was silent until we got inside.

“You need Jaeda on his ass ASAP,” Mace said

“You already know that. I’m irritated as fuck that I can’t place why the nigga feel so familiar to me.”

“Yeah, I know. I felt that shit, too. What are you gonna do about this judge?”

“I’m gonna sit on that for a second. I need to know what kind of evidence they had to issue this warrant. Enzo should be able to get that,” I said, referring to my lawyer.

Pulling out my phone, I sent him an alert, letting him know that I was about to slide through. I didn’t give a fuck that it was late. I paid him six figures to be available.

“You need me to ride with you?” Mace asked.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ma drop you back off and head on over to Enzo’s. I’ll see you in the morning.”


I cranked up and pulled into traffic. The whole way back to The Elixer Lounge, my brain was working overtime. I knew that shit was a setup. I felt that in my spirit. If he was behind it, Mirron Hayes better count his fucking days.

I wasa little salty because I hadn’t seen or heard from my man in three days. I saw him and Maceo abruptly leaving the lounge the other night. When they never came back, I got a little worried. I knew he had to go out of town, but he usually checked in with me. I’d been calling and texting him with no response. I’d gone from worried to pissed.

Today was my day off, and I wanted to do something to get my mind off of him. I decided to get up, shower, and get dressed while I decided what I was going to get into. When I emerged from my room, my mother was relaxing on the couch watching her soap operas. I knew I was never going to get her to miss an episode, so I didn’t bother to invite her along.

“Good morning, ma,” I said, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“Good morning, baby. You hungry? There’s some leftover pancakes and sausage in the kitchen.”

“I’m good. I’m about to head out for a little while. Do you need anything?”