Salima giggled as she slipped her hand in mine and followed behind me.
“I’ll be back!” she called over her shoulder.
“Maybe!” I added.
We headed out the front door with the sounds of the women yelling at our backs. I lead her into the garden maze my grandmother insisted my grandfather have crafted for her. When Salima realized what it was, she pulled back.
“You are not about to get me lost in this shit.”
“Woman, I know my way in, out, and around this muthafucka. We used to play in here all the time as kids. I won’t lie, me and Maceo go lost for a couple of hours once, and my Pops had to come get us. We’ve been good since then.”
She laughed. “Did you cry?”
“Hell no. We thugged it out. Come on. I won’t take you too far in. I just want some alone time with you without all those eyes on us.”
She reluctantly followed me. We walked a little ways in before I copped a seat on the bench that sat in front of a fountain and pulled her down onto my lap.
“My people treating you good?” I asked.
“They’ve been very nice and welcoming. Most of them can’t believe you brought me home.”
“I’m never gonna live it down.”
“Awww Deucy!” She pinched my cheeks as I mean mugged her about that fucking name. “Am I your first real girlfriend?”
“What have I told you about that shit? And I thought you said you weren’t my woman, even though you are.”
She laughed. “You can’t just tell me I’m your woman, Stanley. That’s not how this works. You need to ask me.”
While she was smiling, her tone gave seriousness. I decided to give in and finally ask her.
“Salima Marie Navarro… are you gonna be my ol’ lady or what?”
She laughed out loud. “You can do better than that, Deuce.”
I bit my lip as I sighed. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
She smiled as she cupped my face. “Yes.”
Pulling my face to hers, she kissed me softly and deeply. That shit took me back to last night when I was deep in her guts that final round. As a man that liked to fuck, that slow shit was never for me. Yet somehow, I fucked around and looked into her eyes last night. It was like she had me hypnotized. I couldn’t think straight. My strokes slowed to point where I realized I was making love to her.
It made me appreciate how wet her pussy was. How tight she gripped my dick. When she kissed me while I slow stroked her, I swear I almost handed over the deed to my house. I cared for her in ways that were foreign to me.
“You know these bitches at work are really gonna talk shit now,” Salima said, pulling away.
“What if you didn’t have to work?”
“What do you mean, what if I didn’t have to work? I have bills to pay that ain’t paying themselves.”
“You mentioned wanting to go back to school earlier.”
“I do. But I have to get my money right first.”
“Salima. You know who I am right?”