Page 69 of Deuce

The five-foot six, gray-haired, woman didn’t look a day over fifty even though she was in her seventies. She ate right, she exercised, and she minded her damn business. She said that was the secret to a long, healthy life.

“Hey, Grams,” I said stooping to hug and kiss cheek.

She smiled. “Hey, Deuce, baby. I haven’t seen you all week long.”

“My bad, Grams. I’ve been busy with work.”

“Your father told me what you and your brother are working on.” She shook her head. “Disgusting bastards. Those poor babies.”

“I know, Grams. But you know I’m gonna make sure they know what’s coming to them.”

“I know. Where’s your mama?”

I looked down at my watch. “She should be here— there she is.”

I pointed to my mother strolling in wearing a dress that was way too tight for my linking. Apparently, my father liked it. He watched her from the time she walked into the dining hall until she made it over to where I stood. Maddie stood beside him, watching him watch my mama.

A slap to the back of the head brought him out of his trancelike state. I chuckled, and so did my grandmother.

“Rebecca, how are you?” my mother asked, leaning over to hug her.

“I’m good, baby. You’re looking good. That dress was made for you.”

My mama smiled. “Thank you.”

I frowned. “It’s too tight.”

“Stanley, mind your damn business, now.”

“You already got pops slapped.”

“You are gonna be next if you don’t leave me alone. Now give me a hug. Is that any way to greet your mother?”

I shook my head as I pulled her in for a hug.

“Why haven’t I seen you all week?” she asked.

“I’ve been busy with work, Ma.”

“So, you’re too busy to come see your mother? The woman that gave you life.”

Here she went being dramatic.

“I’m gonna come see you tomorrow, okay?”

“And you’re gonna take me shopping. Yes?”

“Fine woman. We won’t be alone though.”

Both she and my grandmother’s eyebrows rose.

“Oh? Well, whose gonna be there?”

“A friend.”

“You don’t have friends… is it a woman?”

“Yeah, Ma. It’s a woman.”