We made it outside, and I opened the passenger door for her to get into my car. She smirked as she climbed in but didn’t say anything. Anytime I’d opened her door this past week, she always had some slick shit to say. I guess it was becoming sort of a routine at this point.
As I was climbing into the driver’s side, LeAnn exited the building and headed to the car parked next to us. Her girlfriend exited the vehicle and rounded the car to greet her. Salima’s mouth dropped when they shared a kiss. She slapped my arm.
“You didn’t tell me she had a girlfriend!” she exclaimed.
“You didn’t ask.”
“So! I asked you if you fucked her. You could have told me she was gay.”
“That ain’t my business. Just like Julian ain’t my business. This is work and both of them are great at their jobs.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Stanley.”
“You trying to get yolked up again, ain’t you?”
She smirked. “Keep your hands on the wheel.”
I shook my hand as I backed out of the parking space and made my way out of the lot. She sat in the passenger seat, counting up her tips for the night.
“How much did you clear?” I asked.
“About fifteen hundred. You know, women tip very well when they’re drunk. I had at least five of them hit on me tonight. One even asked to take me home.”
I laughed. “That’s wild.”
“It was fun, though. If I keep making tips like this, maybe I’ll get that new car sooner rather than later.”
I smirked to myself. I had my boy deliver her car while we were at work. Unfortunately, by Monday morning it would be gone. Her Infinity was parked in my garage, waiting to be delivered.
We pulled up to a stoplight, and I lifted my armrest. Pulling out an envelope, I counted out fifteen hundred in cash and handed to her.
“What is that for?”
“To match your tips.”
“I don’t need your money, Stanley.”
“Why are you so damn stubborn?”
“Because you aren’t my man and I don’t need you to take care of me. Look, I appreciate all you’ve been doing, but you can’t buy me. I’m not one of those women LeAnn says you trick off on.”
I laughed as I pulled off from the light. “Tricks get paid to stay in their place with me.”
“So what do you call yourself doing with me?”
She raised an eyebrow. “In?”
“Making sure you’re straight. I know shit’s been rough. I know you gave up alot to move back home and take care of your moms. I didn’t make shit any easier with fucking up your money at Aura. I’m sure the money I gave you was spent on bills, cause you don’t seem like the type to do bald head ho shit with your funds.”
“I don’t.”
“I just don’t want you to worry about shit. We’re friends, right?”
“I thought you didn’t have friends.”