Page 56 of Deuce

I laughed as I grabbed the shot glass and took it to the head.

“Speaking of the big boss, here he comes.”

I turned to see Deuce strolling into the space with Leann in tow. The sexiness of his walk had me biting my lip. God took his sweet time with that man. He was handcrafted and dipped in perfection.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Julian said. “God, I just wanna put him on a plate and sop him up with a biscuit.”

I snickered. Deuce came to a stop in front of the rest of the girls.

“Alright, ladies. The doors will be opening in a few. Be on your shit. Make your bread and keep it pushing. Don’t stand around being too friendly with these niggas.”

“That seemed to work for one of us,” Dani said, looking back at me.

Deuce stepped closer to her, towering over her short frame.


She began to stutter. “Well-I-um…”

“Cat got your tongue, Ms. Grimes? Since you chose to speak while I was speaking, I need you to elaborate.”

She looked at the other girls.

“Don’t look at them. I’m talking to you. Speak.”

“Well… we all saw what happened with her the other night.” She nodded at me. “Some of us feel like she’s getting special treatment.”

Deuce smirked as he looked from her to the other girls.

“How many of you feel like Miss Navaro is getting special treatment?”

The room was silent.

“No takers?” he asked.

Again, silence.

He turned back to Dani. “Looks like you’re out on that ledge by yourself. I’ll tell you what. I’d hate to keep you where you feel like you aren’t being treated equally. So… you’re free to go.”

My eyes widened. Gasps went up around the room.

“Deuce,” LeAnn said firmly.

He held up a hand to silence her. “Will there be anything else, Ms. Grimes?”

“You’re really firing me?” Dani asked.

“I’m sorry, was I not clear? You’re free to go.” He snapped his fingers and security appeared. “Please escort Ms. Grimes to the break room to grab her things and then out of my establishment. The rest of you, go to your sections. You’re dismissed.”

The rest of the girls moved without further hesitation. Deuce started to walk away, but LeAnn grabbed him. Her face was angry as she spoke to him, while his was unreadable.

“Whew, chile!” Julian said, fanning himself. “Did that assertion of power turn you on as much as it did me?”

I shook my head. “You’re just hot in the ass.”

Truth be told, it did turn me on. I didn’t have to say a word, and he came to my defense in a manner that only he could.

“He’s coming over,” Julian said.