“She’ll cry and beg for mercy as she gets pounded into the dirt, still trying to crawl away to safety,” Eyrx adds.
“Oh, but she gets no mercy,” Drake smiles. “She gets fucked past her limit.”
“Fuck, I want that too,” Julianna says to Eyrx.
“I think a little game of hide and fuck would be fun,” Eyrx smiles.
“For us,” Drake chuckles.
I am sitting withJulianna, Mom, and Dad as Drake and Eyrx clean up and talk with the nobles. I am on edge because I knowDrake will tell me to run soon. I don’t know where he is but I’m sure I will find out soon.
“You okay?” Mom asks.
“Huh? Oh. Yeah, I’m okay,” I smile.
“You’re distracted,” dad says.
“Yeah, a little,” I admit, making Julianna giggle.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
“Uh… Drake and Eyrx are going on a… uh… walk with us. In the woods,” I say.
“Ohhhhh,” Mom says. “Probably should warn you that they’re sneaking their way over here.”
I look behind me and see that Drake and Eyrx and slowly walking up behind Julianna and me. “Oh shit,” I laugh and jump up.
“We should run,” Julianna says.
“Think they’d do it here?” I ask.
“Absolutely,” she laughs.
“Better listen to her, Little Flame,” Drake says with a devious tone. When we don’t move, they both growl and start slowly shifting.
“Oh fuck,” I laugh and grab Julianna’s hand to pull her with me. We sprint toward the woods and disappear into the darkness.
“They’re going to find us so fast,” she laughs.
“They have no self-control,” I laugh. “Ham hock is going to baby you though. I can sense it.”
I scream when I am suddenly knocked to the ground and pinned with my arms behind my back. Julianna busts out laughing and by scent alone I know it’s Eyrx. “All this just to still not be able to do anything,” I laugh.
“Well, aren’t you a confident little brat,” Eyrx whispers in my ear as he straddles my body.
“Drake wouldn’t let you,” I say simply. Eyrx grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head up to look at Drake.
“Does he look like a man who is about to stop me, Lysa?” Eyrx asks humorously.
“Drake,” I say as panic bubbles up. Wouldn’t that make me betray him? Is this how he gets rid of me? If another man touches me, it will break the bond. Right? Why am I only worried about the bond and not Eyrx fucking me?
Drake smirks before walking over and squatting down to look at me. He gently cups my face, and I whimper. “This is your only opportunity to say no,” Drake says.
“I.… say no to what?” I ask, playing stupid.
“Lysa, he has my full support and permission to fuck you,” Drake says bluntly. “Your pussy is mine, but otherwise me and Juli have no problem with him teaching you a lesson.”
“Or five. This is hot,” Julianna says. “Since the day I met you, Lysa, I’ve wanted to see him balls deep in you. I don’t know why, but… you should say yes.”