Page 2 of Never Enough

Victoria assumed I was only interested in him to annoy her. Like I was making fun of him by having a crush.

“Victoria,” the professor warns lightly, but he makes no real attempt to dissuade her continued mockery.

She smirks, her voice dripping with sarcasm, completely ignoring the professor’s reprimand. “So, they finally let you into WU?” Celeste giggles beside her, the two of them feeding off each other’s toxic energy. To make matters worse, their commotion draws the attention of the few other students in the class. My cheeks burn from embarrassment.

Just as I part my lips to retort, the door swings open, and in stumbles Eden Park, a kind friend from my childhood. A ray of hope, she was the only one who stood up against Victoria’s bullying during our school days.

Not that we all studied together in school. They did, but I attended the public one across town.

“Sorry I’m late!” she heaves, her braids bouncing with each hurried step. She catches her breath, tugging at her hair as she spots me in the back. A glance around the room tells her everything she needs to know. With a nod, she quickly diffuses the tension by grabbing her cello and settling down beside me. “Don’t mind them. Maybe they’ll finally grow up this semester.”

While retreating to her harp, Victoria says over her shoulder, “We were only catching up with an old friend.”

Friend? Vic and I are barely even frenemies. I really hoped she would have moved on by now.

Eden sends me a reassuring smile. Her auburn hair catches the light filtering through the high windows. “You’re stronger than Victoria and Celeste’s games. Besides, you won’t see them much outside of class. Celeste is always attached to her boyfriend, and Victoria rarely leaves their sides.”

I want to ask who Celeste’s boyfriend is, but I’m much too afraid to come across as obsessed with the girls who made my life hell growing up.

I hope he’s a toad, whoever he is.

The rest of the class goes by smoothly, with Eden’s friendly presence acting as a shield against Victoria and Celeste. Evenso, I can’t shake off the feeling of familiarity that sweeps over me whenever my eyes meet Alexandru’s sister. A part of me wishes that it was really him I saw today while the other is relieved that it probably wasn’t.

After all, I still remember him vividly. Too vividly for my own good. There’s no denying that these memories bring both sweet nostalgia and painful regret.

As I play notes on my harp, I wonder whether this second chance at Whitmore will become a blessing in disguise or open old wounds that never truly healed.

The initial shock of seeing Victoria has turned into a constant dread. I’m terrified that she and Celeste will haunt all my classes.

My last class is barely over when I get the most terrifying email ever. The housing committee has finally revealed my roommates, and let’s just say I’m not laughing; because in big, bold letters it says,Go fuck yourself, Daphne.

Okay, so the letter moreso implied that it wants me tofuckmyself. In reality, it names Victoria, Celeste, and Eden as my roommates. With the exception of the latter, I about have a panic attack.

So, here I am now. Outside my dorm, preparing myself for battle. My heart pounds in my chest as I fumble with the key, my hands trembling with a mix of exhaustion and dread after a grueling first day of classes. With each click of the lock, my anxiety grows, and I brace myself for the inevitable confrontation.

I hoped time had softened the edges of our animosity, but as soon as I enter, I know I was wrong. Victoria and Celeste are lounging on the couch, their perfectly styled figures radiating an air of superiority. Their disdainful gazes and smug expressions twist my stomach into knots.

Ah, fuck. I’m never going to escape them.

“Well, well, well,” Celeste drawls, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Look who finally deigned to grace us with their presence.” She crosses her legs—a calculated, seductive gesture that makes my skin crawl.

Victoria, always by her side, joins in on the attack. “Welcome back, Daphne.” Would be nice if she hadn’t said it in a sarcastic tone. The sound of her saccharine voice makes me want to cringe. It’s like stepping back in time.

“Or are you not used to such formalities where you come from?” Victoria adds, arching an eyebrow in a challenge I have no energy to meet.

I flinch at their taunts, feeling insignificant under their scrutiny. They know just how to push my buttons, especially when it comes to my troubled family history. Everyone knows Mom is in prison, but not why. And now that they have each other’s backing, they seem more determined than ever to make my life a living hell.

“Apparently not,” Celeste chimes in again, her voice rising with excitement. “Just wait till you hear what I’ve got planned for when you’re around. I’m going to fuck my boyfriend so loudly.” It’s as if she thinks I care, but I don’t. No matter who her boyfriend is.

“Gross,” I murmur. Why now? Unconcerned with my presence in grade school, Celeste was content to orbit in her universe of wealth and privilege. But here she is, orbit decayed, crashing into my world with the force of a spiteful comet.

Must be Victoria’s influence.

“Don’t spoil all the surprises for her, Celeste,” Victoria chimes in with an evil glint in her eye. It is sickening how they feed off each other’s malice.

I press my back against the cool wood of the door, needing its solid reality to counter the swirl of chaos these two bring. After composing myself, I straighten, forcing my features into neutrality.

Free ride of tuition. Room and board, I remind myself. I can do this. Endure a bit of hell for a lifetime of heaven.