Page 56 of The Rescue

Crystal stands a little too eager, and I have to bite back a smirk.

“Nan, Grannie Jo? Would you like a lift back?” I ask them.

“Och no, my braw laddie. I’ve got at least one more dram of whisky left in me,” she holds up her glass. I scoop down and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll drop them off,” Rosie smiles at me.

Crystal and I say goodnight to everyone, and we make our way out into the cold night air. We both stand still outside and take in a lungful of air at the same time. We both let out a sigh and laugh at how in sync we are.

“Come on, let’s go home,” I say to her.

Home, because it feels like home with her there.



I’m so satisfied from the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner,and after the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever eaten. I’m so content and happy that I feel like I’m floating. I can’t stop thinking about how thoughtful Rabbie was in making me the pumpkin pie. We hardly make it through the door when Edie comes rushing down the hallway. I jump out of the way before she can brush up against me. Rabbie scoops her up in his arms and coos away at her. He follows me into the living room, muttering sweet nothings to the damn cat. I feel the jealousy slowly seeping into me. Jesus, I’ve hit an all time low. I’m jealous of a fucking cat.

“My sweet baby girl,” Rabbie scratches behind the cat’s ear as it purrs.

The cat eyes me with victorious eyes, and I narrow my eyes at the fluffball.This isn’t over I think to myself.

I’m brought out of my jealous gaze when my phone starts to ring. I sit down at the table and open my laptop and accept the video call. It’s better to take the call on my laptop. I was expecting this call at some point today.

My three older brothers pop up on the screen, and I smile back at them. They’re all in their Sunday bests. My mama would’ve made sure they look their best today. We’re about seven hours ahead of them here in Crossmackie, they would’ve just come home from church.

“How was church? Repent all your sins?” I wink at my brothers.

“You bet we did,” Cruz laughs.

“I can hardly breathe in this shirt,” Cain undoes the top button of his shirt.

“Happy Thanksgiving sissy,” Creed smiles at me.

“Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.” I smile at them.

God, I miss them so much. I wish I was there to spend the day with them, but then I remember how overbearing my mama would be about what I’m wearing or how much I’m eating.

“We miss you,” Cain says. I’m taken aback by this because Cain is the least emotionally in tune out of all my brothers.

“I miss you too,” I bite back the lump in my throat.

I feel weird having Rabbie sit behind me on the sofa, but he doesn’t interrupt my call with my brothers.

“Make sure you tell Rabbie we wish him a happy Thanksgiving,” Cruz smiles.

“He’s here behind me, he can hear you,” I lean out of the way so they can see him sitting on the sofa behind me. The cat is now laying on him, the jealousy doesn’t go away.

Rabbie lifts his hand up to wave to my brothers. “Thanks, guys. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Dinny eat as much as I did, I can hardly move.” Rabbie laughs.

“We still can’t understand you,” Creed teases.

“Ha. Very funny,” I roll my eyes at my brothers.

I turn to look at Rabbie laughing along with them. How does he get along with them so easily? It’s nice to see because usually men are scared of my big brothers. I’m glad Rabbie can see the funny side of their teasing.

I move back in front of the camera just in time to hear my mama’s voice behind my brothers. They all sit up straight, and it’s nice to see that they know what she’s like, especially towards me. I sit up straighter, just as my brothers give me a sympathetic smile before they disappear off camera.