Page 50 of The Rescue

My mum blinks in shock and her mouth forms a flat line, and she looks to me for guidance. I think she’s expecting me to stick up for her but I don’t. Crystal said everything that I’ve been too scared to say. I can feel Crystal shaking next to me, I squeeze her waist and she sinks into me.

She fits so perfectly next to me, and I’m glad she’s with me otherwise this conversation would’ve gone differently. I could cry from the protective energy she’s showing.

My mum sighs and her shoulders slump.

“Aye she’s right, I’m sorry I left you with your Nan. It’s the biggest regret of my life but I had no choice. You know what your dad is like,” she pleads.

My heart cracks a little, and the sympathy is slowly creeping in. I blink back tears, the memories come flooding back and all I want to do is run away and never talk about the past. It’s too painful.

“You did have a choice, and you picked him over your son,” Crystal bites back.

My mum looks at me with teary eyes, “Aye, I’m sorry, I know it’s taken me so long, but I want to start fresh.”

My head is starting to feel fuzzy from the tension of the weekend, and now my mum showing up has got me wound tight. I feel I could snap at any moment.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t give you a job mum,” I barely get it out.

Her head dips, and she scrapes her scuffed shoe on the gravel. Crystal looks up at me and gives me a small nod of approval. I feel terrible for not giving my mum a job but Crystal made a point. She can’t turn up out of the blue with no explanation and expect me to give her a job.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come in the first place,” she swipes a tear and rushes off leaving me and Crystal standing there in shock.

I watch as she scurries off down the street. That’s not at all how I thought I would see my mum again. The adrenaline of the encounter is wearing off and I feel exhausted, mentally and physically. Crystal turns to face me, and she wraps her other arm around my waist and hugs me tight. I melt into her, and let out a shaky breath I’d been holding in. I rest my chin on the topof her head and let all my worries melt away. I feel safe when she’s here, and I’m glad she is otherwise I’d be spiralling out of control.

We stand there in each other’s embrace, not saying a word. Her face is flat against my chest, and she’s taking slow controlled deep breaths.

“I know this isn’t professional, but I had to give you a hug because you’re still a friend,” she looks up at me.

I shake my head, not being able to find the words.

“Are you okay?” She looks up at me, her eyes searching my face for any telltale signs.

“Aye, I think so.”

She rests her head back on my chest, and I start to relax now that my mum has gone.

“I’m sorry for going off, I don’t usually speak to people like that. I know you’re a grown man and can fight your own battles but I could see you sinking, and I felt the need to protect you. The shit she put you through, and to not acknowledge it. That wasn’t going to fly with me,” she looks up at me with a frown.

A small smile tugs at my lips. She looks so cute when she frowns, and seeing that fiery side of her has me feeling hot all over.

“Don’t be sorry. You said what I wished I had the balls to say all these years. ” I admit with a nervous laugh.

Crystal’s face softens, and she rests her head back on my chest. I wish we could stay like this forever, the weird tension between us suddenly feels stupid in the grand scheme of things.

“God, Rabbie. I’m so mad for you,” she admits.

I laugh into the top of her head. I’m glad she’s here, there was something relieving about that way she was there for me. The way she didn’t hesitate to jump into protective mode has me feeling a certain type of way. I break the embrace, and grab her shoulders and look into her beautiful green eyes.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” she softly smiles at me.

The tension between us is back, and it feels good that the weirdness has gone between us. I’m still shaking from the encounter with my mum but having Crystal here has stopped me from overthinking the situation. We’re standing so close, I can feel the heat radiating off her. I have the overwhelming need to kiss her soft lips. I could, but I’m too scared to make the move.

She’s leaving soon, don’t be a fool in thinking she’d stay for you.

I sigh and take a step back. She looks down at her feet, and sighs too.

Fuck, when did I become such a coward?