“Aww no, that’s okay. Cooking isn’t for everyone. You’ll get better with a little practice,” I try to cheer her up.
“I sliced my fingers a few times, then Dylan put me on stirring duty but then I burnt a pot of gravy then she just told me to sit at the table and keep an eye on the timer for the turkey. But that’s not even the worst part,” she still looks sad.
“What’s the worst part?” I ask.
“Dylan forgot to get ingredients for pumpkin pie,” she huffs as she folds her arms.
Dylan rolls her eyes, she’s looking a little stressed and Crystal pouting seems to push her over the edge.
“There were a million dishes to cook, besides there’s pecan pie for dessert. We always had pecan pie on Thanksgiving in my house. It’s not the end of the world that you don’t get your precious pumpkin pie. ” Dylan snips at her.
“Yes it is the end of the world. It’s not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie. Besides pumpkin pie is way better than pecan pie,” Crystal sticks her tongue out at Dylan.
It’s funny witnessing them have this little spat, they truly are like sisters. I try to hide my smirk before I get my head ripped off by one of them.
“I might have something that will fix this little problem,” I smile.
“No offence Rabbie, your scones are amazing but they aren’t part of a traditional Thanksgiving meal,” Crystal pouts
“Thanks, but I think it’s even better. Close your eyes,” I tell her.
Crystal hesitates for a second and eyes me with suspicion. I wink at her, and she relaxes and closes her eyes. Her eyelashesflutter against her freckled cheeks, and I take a mental picture of how beautiful and soft she looks. I try to memorise every little freckle on her face, her curly red hair hanging over her forehead. I only allow myself a split second to get lost in her beauty before Dylan notices me.
I put the bag I was holding down on the table and take out a dish, I place it in her hands, and her brow creases.
“Okay, open your eyes.”
I watch her as she opens her eyes, her beautiful greens land on me first and then down to the dish in her hands. Her eyes widen and her mouth forms a cute smile, a smile so pure and genuine I want to take a picture of her to remember this moment forever.
“Oh my fucking god!” she squeals.
Dylan is distracted by serving up the Thanksgiving meal to understand what is going on. Crystal is giggling with giddiness and this is the highlight of my day seeing the look on her face.
“Rabbie, you made me a pumpkin pie,” she beams at me.
“Happy Thanksgiving.”
Seeing her this happy was worth the days I spent trying to find the perfect recipe. Suddenly all of the stress from the last week has gone, the sheer joy on her face makes everything that is going on in my life seem less important. Seeing the smile on her face is everything I could need right now.
Dylan shoots me a smirk, and raises an eyebrow at me. I try to act as if this is what friends do. I’d been planning to make her one since she told me about pumpkin pie the first night she stayed at the flat.
“This is the best Thanksgiving ever. Thank you Rabbie,” Crystal hums with excitement. She reaches up and kisses me lightly on the mouth. It’s barely a kiss but I still feel her lips on mine as she backs away. I’m frozen in place.
“I’m going to put it with the pecan pie on the side table in the dining room,” she rushes off in excitement.
Crystal rushes out the door, and I can hear her happily telling everyone in the other room that I made her a pumpkin pie.
I look over at Dylan who is serving up food and shaking her head with a huge grin on her face.
“Nothing, it’s just I’ve never seen her so happy,” she looks at me.
I don’t know what Dylan means by that but, warmth spreads through me to see Crystal so happy. I would do anything to keep a smile on her face.
After Dylan has served everyone a plate, we all sit together at the table. Dylan has outdone herself. The meal is delicious, and by the time it gets to dessert I’m almost too full. Dylan serves everyone a small slice each of pecan and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Everyone makes small sounds of satisfaction as they each eat their dessert. As a Thanksgiving tradition, Dylan makes everyone go around the table and tell everyone what we’re thankful for.
“I’ll start. Our First thanksgiving together.” Dylan says as she sits in Cam’s lap.