“What are you doing here on your day off?”
“I came to see you, and to see how your day was going?” I smile at him.
“I’ve had better days, but I’ll be okay,” he sighs.
The lacklustre in his voice is concerning, but I try to keep the mood upbeat.
“I hope so. Dylan’s Thanksgiving feast should cheer you up. She’s even trusting me to help in the kitchen. I’ve been promoted to veggie peeler.” I nudged his shoulder again.
He nudges me back with a genuine smile, and my heart skips a beat.
“Well, now that is cause to celebrate,” he grins.
I place my hand on his bicep, and his eyes look down to my hand resting there. He looks back up to my eyes and then down to my lips and back to my eyes again. We sit still, and I swear I can feel both our pulses going wild.
“Thanks,” he whispers.
I smile, an unspoken understanding between us. He knows why I came in here, but we don’t need to talk about it. Just being in each other’s presence is comforting enough for him. I know he wants to remain friends and keep things on a professional level, but every moment we spend together, I’m finding it harder to walk away from him.
“I’ve got to get back to work, but I’ll see you tonight at Thistle Down Farm,” he squeezes my hand that’s resting on his arm.
He stands and holds out his beautiful large hands and helps me up from the step. We’re chest to chest, and I could reach out and touch him but with everything going on I don’t want to complicate things.
“See you tonight,” I breathe out a heady whisper.
Get it together Crystal.
To say my mind has been elsewhere the last couple of days is an understatement.Since my mum turned up after years of no contact has kept me up late at night, overthinking every single thing. Running on no sleep has started to affect my work, this morning I put salt instead of sugar in the first batch of scones. Luckily I always taste test the first batch to make sure they’re perfect. After biting into the scone, and nearly throwing up in the sink I knew I needed to get my head straight.
I was just starting to enjoy my day and forget about the issues going on in my personal life when I saw my mum across the street from the cafe. My safe space suddenly felt exposed and I needed to get away before I had a full blown panic attack in front of all my customers.
After I retreated to the kitchen it felt like the walls were closing in on me, and I felt my throat tightening. Struggling to get a handle on my panic attack I slumped down on the back steptrying to gulp in air. My vision was going black and fuzzy, and I thought I was going to pass out. Then I felt her soft firm hand in the middle of my back, and I instantly started to calm down.
It’s like Crystal has a supersonic radar, when I need her she pops up out of nowhere. I wish I could tell her how much her presence calms and grounds me. I knew why she came to see me, but when she kept the conversation light, I was beyond grateful. I don’t know how I’m going to cope when she finally returns to Boston, it leaves my heart feeling hollow. Even though it won’t go anywhere romantically, I feel like I missed my chance with that. I still see her as a good friend, and I will miss her when she leaves.
After she left, I felt clear headed and steady to remain working for the rest of the day. The cafe got a late afternoon rush which took my mind off things, and before I knew it we were packing up to close the cafe.
David has returned from a day of delivering and is doing the stock take in the storeroom. I cleaned the kitchen at lightning speed, I’m eager to finish early so I can get to Thistle Down Farm and see Crystal.
I head out the front to help Nellie and David with cleaning. She’s been keeping an extra close eye on me today. Everyone in the town knows my mum came to see me, and I know the people in this town are looking out for me. But now I’m starting to see why Crystal dislikes small town gossiping. I was never one to get too caught up in the gossiping but this is more than drinking too much and making a fool of themselves. This is my life and now I can’t help but feel that it’s been broadcast around town. I feel like I’m living in a fish bowl and everyone who greets me now gives me a pitiful look. Like the one Nellie is giving me now, she knows me well enough not to ask questions.
“We got some good tips today. Looks like we’ll be able to do something nice with them,” she says, as she shakes the tip jar.
“Aye, although we wouldn’t have as many if it wasn’t for your brilliant customer service skills,” I smile at her.
Nellie is the face of Sweet Treats, she’s always got a smile on her face. Even when the tourist season is in full swing and we get some rude city slickers she manages to keep her cool. I wouldn’t be where I am without her.
We cleaned the cafe in record time, and I’m excited to get to Thistle Down Farm to see how Crystal’s day was.
“Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, see you tomorrow,” Nellie gives me a soft smile.
“Thanks, Nell. See you both tomorrow.” I nod at her and David.
“I never understood Americans and their Thanksgiving dinner putting marshmallows on top of sweet potatoes,” David continues on.