Page 5 of Home for Christmas

I tell myself that but hours later, when I’m laying in bed and thinking shit through, all I can think about is her, how she looked when she was sleeping curled so innocently on the bed, the soft curve of her ass as it filled my hand and those sexy as fuck panties that cupped her ass like they were painted on.

The thought of her warm, soft body has my dick leaking and my balls hurting. I should probably do something about that, but I don’t have it in me to take my dick out and cum to the memory of having my hands on her ass. I was so close, so close, to touching… a grunt is the only warning I have before my body betrays me and my dick goes off at the thought of swiping my fingers through her wet channel and sinking my cock so deep in her, she will never be able to remove me. My intention wasn’t to cum but like everything related to Marley…good intentions go out the window when I'm around her.

Chapter Five


I vent so hard to Danni when I reach her. I’m sure by the time I’m ready to leave she is going to be glad to see me go. Tannen just drives me so crazy.

“He spanked me like…like…like I was a naughty five-year-old.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not thinking of you as a five-year-old, Mar. Most of the men who pull up a woman’s clothing and spank her don’t have anything kiddie on their minds. Come on, you know that. You read the same books I do.”

Not helping, Danni. Not at all. “Uh, no! It’s definitely not like in the books, Danni. It’s…he is not like that to me!” She gives me a look that tells me she isn’t buying the bullshit I’m trying to sell her. “It’s…he might, you know what? He’s not even the same person I used to know. He’s got like this beard and he…he…I don’t think he even likes me anymore and you know what? That sucks! It sucks so hard because we used to be so close. He used to hang out with me all the time, protect me, and treat me like I was special. I think we grew apart sometime during high school. Maybe I was too young for him to hang out with then or maybe his girlfriends…”

I stop myself and huff out the rest of the frustration.

“Whatever it was…it’s over now.”

Danni rubs my back when I flop myself over onto her lap. Even though it’s a fact, it doesn’t make it hurt any less.

“But it’s not over for our moms. They keep trying to push us together for some ungodly reason.”

“Maybe they want you guys to be friends since they have been best friends for so long. Maybe they want that for the two of you as well. Maybe if you guys just tried to be friendly they might…I don’t know, ease up a little and not try so hard.”

I really think about what she just said and about how much sense it makes before saying anything else but when I do it’s to agree with Danni.

“Mm, maybe.”

Can we really pretend to be friends and make our moms chill out? Would that be something Tannen even wants to try to do? Can I still do that when he decides to bring his girlfriend to meet his mom?


“Yeah, Mar.”

“I’m really not going to be alright at the end of this.” The words seem to lay heavy in the room, at least to me they feel like weights on my chest pressing me down so low. I just wanted to let someone know.

“I know, hon, but I’ll be here for you and we’ll figure it out together. Somehow. Right?”

I got really lucky finding Danni. She’s the best friend everyone should have. Then the world would be a better place.


I didn’t bring a bag with me so I couldn’t spend the night at Danni’s no matter how much I wanted to. All I was thinking was how to get out of there without hearing about his almost fiancée. Or worse, hearing all about how he had to leave so he could hook up with the plethora of cheerleaders he’s already been with in town.

So, I go home and try hiding from all the memories and thoughts that seeing Tannen digs up and pray to make it through Christmas. I sleep like shit, tossing and turning and reliving that spanking all night long. Hot dreams haunt me centered on what would have happened if our mothers hadn’t come home as soon as they did.

Because of the lack of sleep, I don’t really crawl out of bed until sometime around noon. Big, dark clouds have gathered in on side of the sky by the time I get ready, and Danni has her mom drop her off at my house so we can drive over to the Lounge together. We’re seeing friends from school tonight and I’m looking forward to having a Tannen-free night.

I turn and look at myself in the mirror. I look cute and festive in my Christmas sweater with the sparkly tree and my shiny black leggings. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone from school will flirt with me all night and take Tannen right out of my head.

“Be careful, dear. It’s supposed to start snowing later tonight.”

“I will Mom.” I take her in and whistle, “You look nice.”

“So do you.” She gives me a wink and we turn and both whistle at Danni who is sitting on the couch giggling at us.

Just as we are about to walk out the door, Danni forgets her phone lying on the couch and goes back for it. I make my way to the car and playfully yell for her.