When the last remnants of pleasure have calmed, my thighs collapse inward, resting against Nico’s shoulders. He pulls his fingers out, bringing them to his mouth, where he sucks them and lets out a sigh of satisfaction. “Wanted to do that, too.” His voice is thick with desire.
He leans down between my legs and kisses my clit, which is so sensitive I jerk back, and in response he chases it, sucking it into his mouth.
“Stop, God, stop,” I cry, grabbing his hair with both fists to pull him off me. He relents with a rumbling chuckle that vibrates through my tailbone.
“You taste divine,” he says. “Next time, I’ll make you come with my mouth.”
I moan at the thought of it. I can’t wait.
I sit forward, sliding my hand between his legs, cupping the erection that feels far bigger than any I’ve ever touched before. Not that there have been many, but his cock is far and beyond the largest.
“Let me see you,” I whisper, fumbling with his trousers.
He undoes the button, lowers the zip, and his cock pokes out of his boxers.
I inhale sharply. “Wow.”
Nico smirks, and no wonder. It isn’t even fully exposed and it looks huge. How will it fit inside me? I slide my hand into his underwear, wrapping my fingers around the base. It’s warm and smooth, the rigidity cloaked in soft skin... It’s perfect. Nico Hawkston has a perfect penis and an insane desire to slide right onto it rolls through me.
He hisses through his teeth as I draw my hand up the hard length of him.
A sharp knock on the door shocks us both and we turn to stare. My hand rockets off his cock as someone on the other side rattles the door handle. “Uncle Nico? Are you in there?”
Nico’s face contorts, and he lets out a groan, fisting a hand into his hair and tugging it from the roots. “I’m gonna have the bluest balls in the whole of fucking London at this rate.”
I can’t help but giggle, especially as I’m still blissed out after the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my entire life. Nico stands and tucks himself in.
The knocking continues.
“It’s Charlie,” comes the voice from outside the office. “I’m ready to go home. I’m tired. I know you’re in there. I can hear you.”
I look up, alarmed, and mouth, “He can hear us?”
Nico shrugs and holds out his hand and pulls me off the sofa to my feet. “If this is what it’s like to have kids, I’m getting a vasectomy.”
I press my lips together to contain a burst of nervous laughter.
He tugs me flush against him, kissing me hard on the mouth, then holds me at arm’s length before letting go and checking the time on his watch. “Shit, it’s late. I forgot about Charlie. He’s staying with me for a bit.”
“Doesn’t his mum live in London?”
Nico frantically tucks in his shirt, adjusts the crotch of his suit. “Yes.” He doesn’t explain and I don’t ask. He runs his hands around the waistband of his trousers. “I need to take him home. I’m so sorry to ask, but could you… hide?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. Get under the desk. Please.” He’s moving about the room now, picking up his jacket and sliding it on, buttoning his collar and fixing his tie around his neck.
He picks up my underwear, offers it to me, then changes his mind, grins and slides it into his pocket.
I reach out for it. “Hey.”
“Oh, come on,” he says, pointing at his dick, which is still hard and trapped in the crotch of his trousers. “Let me have something.”
I roll my lips to stop myself from breaking into a full smile. He’s hard forme.
“Fine,” I huff, faking reluctance.
Charlie thumps on the door again, and Nico shoots a look towards the noise.