Page 75 of Worth Every Penny

“Is that… a huge, erect penis?” I say, unable to conceal my amusement.

Mum yelps, covering her face with both hands. “Oh, heaven forbid.”

“Yup.” Jack’s belly-laughing now, pointing at the splashes spouting out from the oversized tip. “It’s ejaculating.”

Heads are turning, looking at the van. Someone laughs and a few of the older guests gasp and tut disapprovingly. Mum grips Jack’s arm again. “Do something.”

Jack shakes his head, biting his bottom lip to stop laughing. “Hold this,” he says, giving me his Pimms, which I promptly finish as he runs towards Curtis and the van.

“Oh, this is awful,” Mum moans, pulling at the huge pearl earring speared through her right ear. “I tried so hard to make sure everything was perfect, and then this happens. I’m going to be a laughingstock.”

“You could have left Dad’s art on the walls and avoided this entirely.”

“Oh, you little beast.” Her voice is so shrill that people nearby start looking over at us. Noticing them, she lowers her voice. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Oh no,” I say, straining to keep the laughter out of my voice as I take my phone from my handbag and snap a picture of the offensive vehicle.Elly and Marie will love this.“It’s dreadful. Truly.”



Ihaven’t heard from Nico for a week. I haven’t been able to focus on my work, and I’ve spent the days flipping violently between wanting to vomit and wanting to charge up to the twentieth floor to demand an explanation. So far, for the sake of my career, I’ve done neither.

There were always those rumours flying around that he never fucks the same woman twice. But we didn’t even have sex, and he’s already avoiding me. Maybe he regrets what happened last weekend. Or maybe it was so insignificant to him he’s moved on.

Neither thought is reassuring, and my stomach bubbles nervously.

Tonight is the Lansen welcome drinks on the rooftop bar of the Hawkston building. It’s a warm evening, so we’re all outside. Nico’s supposed to be here. I overheard his PA saying that he had a few things to attend to and would pop in later, but I’m already two glasses of prosecco down and there’s been no sign of him.

I try to focus on the view across the City of London: the enormous dome of St Paul’s; the huge concrete jungle of the Barbican Centre; even the Shard in the distance.

It’s spectacular, but none of it is enough to assuage my nerves. If Nico walks in right now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it.

A blonde graduate is lingering at my side. Teresa, I think her name is. She’s pretty and vivacious, with a smile that lights up her face.

She’s not unpleasant company either, but she’s been chewing my ear off about Nico for the past five minutes. “You know him, don’t you?” she asks, grabbing a handful of nuts from the table and stuffing them in her mouth. She continues talking without waiting for a response. “I saw him in reception yesterday. I’ve never seen a corporate man so… hot. He looks really young too. The rest of them are all old and half-bald with huge beer guts.” She pauses, glancing over at Jack. “Your brother is gorgeous too, but Nico's more my type. Is he single? Nico, I mean.”


“I guess it wouldn’t matter if he was,” Teresa plows on. “He’s always got some gorgeous new woman on the go. I saw him in the Daily Mail today, pictured with that musician. You know, the one who chopped off all her hair and looks like a beautiful pixie?”

A sharp pain lances through my chest. “Amy Moritz? He was out with her?”

Teresa pulls out her phone. “Yeah. Last night. Look.” She flicks her screen to show me images of Amy, laughing as she gets into the back of a cab with Nico.

I’ve been pining for the bastard and he’s out with the music scene’s biggest solo star. I’m an idiot to have thought he might want me. To think that what happened between us was anything more than an impulsive explosion of decade-long repressed desire.

Nico wasn’t going to say no when I was standing outside his room in my underwear.Redunderwear. Maybe not contacting me is his way of trying to tell me he’s not interested.

“And last month it was that runway model, the one with legs that reach to her armpits. Erica Lefroy.” Teresa laughs, oblivious to the effect her words are having on me. “It’s not like I have a chance, but a girl can dream, right? If he wanted an office fling, I wouldn’t say no.”

Maybe Nico’s not coming. He’s probably too busy. Can I even bear to face him again?

“Excuse me,” I say, putting down my drink and moving towards the exit. Teresa is so stuck on Nico I don’t think she cares who’s listening, and she turns away with a confused shrug, ready to prey on the next pair of ears.

I stride back inside. The glass door closes behind me, shutting out the sound of chatter. My heart is racing. Is it healthy to have an elevated heart rate for this long? Maybe I can skip the gym this weekend because my heart has already had a workout.

I’m a mess.