“Nico…” Her tone is sultry, if a little slurred, and she lets my name dangle like an invitation. A flare of warning, sweetened at the edges by temptation, burns in the pit of my stomach as I glance over my shoulder.
She flutters her eyes. “You owe me.”
“Owe you what?”
The word knocks my heart off beat.
“And alcohol makes me horny.”
I blink.What the fuck? I must look confused because she adds, “Will you sleep with me?”
Before I can answer, she slides the little silky shorts down to the floor and kicks them aside, leaving her in only black underwear and the skimpy green top.
I can’t breathe. Toned legs, smooth skin, thighs slightly parted. My gaze runs up the length of them, coming to rest at the lace of her panties nestled at the top. I’m pretty sure I can see right through them.
My dick swells while every other part of me seizes. Her body is so fuckable. I want to bend her over the bath and pound into her until she screams my name.
I’ve known this woman her whole life, but she has never spoken to me like this.Never. Not even the incident in the hot tub comes close. Then, she was an insecure teenager who didn’t know the power of her body. But now… She fuckingknows.
Kate reaches up to tease at the strap of her top, sliding it down her arm.
“Kate…” My voice tails off. I mean it as a warning, but clearly miss the mark because she smiles as she continues undressing.
My world shrinks to this one woman, this one moment. Her movement is painfully slow, or maybe it’s my distorted perception of time. But one thing I do know; in seconds her breasts are going to fall out, and if that happens I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do. I don’t trust myself to resist whatever’s coming next.
A host of thoughts crash through my mind. What if it wasn’t me standing here? What if it was someone else? Someone who would take advantage of how drunk and vulnerable she is right now?
How close was she to going home with someone else? Fucking someone else?
Fire scorches through me, blistering my insides, spreading tendrils of hot flames through my arms and legs. My grasp on my control is so slim that I make the only decision I can. The only one that won’t kill me in the morning.
I close the space between us, breathing hard as I tower over her. “Stop. Keep your fucking clothes on.” The words are harsh, the tone even more so.
Shock blooms in Kate’s eyes. Her shoulders curl in, her head lowers, hands cupping her nearly exposed breasts. She’s a vision of shame and humiliation and I’m so fucking sorry I’ve done it, but it’s better this than anything else.
I scan the room, grab a bathrobe from a hook on the back of the door, and give it to her. She awkwardly slips into it, tying it tight around herself while she keeps her gaze on the floor.
“Go to bed.” My voice is hard; I wish I could do this with kindness, but I can’t. It could slide too easily into something else, and I refuse to do that. Better she thinks I’m angry.
She walks out in front of me, heading towards the enormous emperor sized bed. She stops at the foot of it but doesn’t get in.
I’m right behind her when she says, “You should go.”
“Get into bed, Kate. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
She spins to face me, our bodies inches apart. “I’m safe. I’m fine. I can see myself to bed.” When I don’t move, she puts her hands on the belt of the dressing gown and begins to loosen it. “I’m going to take off all my clothes and go to sleep. Naked, Nico. I’m going to be naked. And seeing as that’s such a problem for you, you should fuck off.”
Her abrasive words smash my resolve and searing heat burns in my chest. I don’t know if it’s anger or desire, but Kate’s eyes flash with recognition.
I lean in and ghost my mouth against her ear. “What is it you want? To drive me to distraction so I’ll fuck you?”
Her lips part, hot breath hitting my jaw, causing a shiver to trip down my spine.