Martin whimpers and curls into a ball, cradling the back of his skull in his hands.
“I mean it, Martin,” I state, taking no pity on the man. “Next time that bullet goes in your head.”
Elliot removes the silencer and shoves his gun back in the holster, leaving a terrified Mr. Brooks sweating in a puddle on the floor. He’s quivering so violently that he can’t speak.
We exit the house and once we’re back on the street, rain strikes my skin like it can erase everything. I could fucking drink it in.
Elliot eats up the distance to the car in seconds, moving like a muscled panther in the dark, yanking the door open and folding himself in.
I’m about to get in myself when my phone rings.
Erica Lefroy.What a moment to get a call from her. We haven’t spoken since that night at Martini Gems. Feels like a fucking lifetime ago.
I answer. “Erica?”
“Nico, hi sweetie. How’s things?”
I pull the car door open and get in. My hand throbs from where I hit Martin, but it’s a satisfying pain.
“Good. How can I help?”
She laughs. “Always assume people want things from you when they call?”
There’s a slight pause. “You’re coming to New York for the charity gala next week, right?” She sounds mildly chastened, but not in the least deterred.
Shit. I’d forgotten about it. I’m making the welcome speech and I haven’t even started writing it. The last time it crossedmy mind was when I mentioned it to Kate. It was the date I’d mentally put in place for taking our relationship public.
I’m yours if you want me… I’ve got to go back to New York in a couple of weeks. After that we can reassess. If you still want to, we can take it public then.
A sharp pain, worse than the sting in my knuckles, lances through my chest.
“I am,” I reply, no hint of the pain in my voice.
“Then I have a favour to ask you. It’s not a big one, but it would really, really help me out.”
“Sure. Whatever you need.”
And just like that, I’m back to normal life.
“Your phone is ringing.” Charlie stands at his desk, hands on his hips, peering over at me.
I glance at the handset. 'Mum’ flashes on the screen. “I know.”
“Are you gonna answer it? Because your ringtone is really annoying.”
I roll my eyes and pick up the phone, standing and moving over towards the window.
“Mum. Everything okay?”
“Where’s your brother? I can’t get hold of him.”
Typical Mum.I glance over to Jack’s desk but he’s not there.